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  • Hey Tommy, you’re actually already subscribed to me :)
    It’s Photonsacrosstheair,
    I’m also subscribed to your channel, also I got the 2 in 1 green and blue laser yesterday and I absolutely love it!! I’ll be making a video soon to put on my channel and of course I’ll mention your store :)
    Thanks for your trust Richie89 :) may i have your youtube channel pls, we will follow you:)
    Hey Tommy,
    I got the pen you all sent me, it arrived yesterday and I love it!! I posted it here yesterday I will be making a video on YouTube on my channel recommending LPS
    Thanks once again Tommy, you and Emily have been more than helpful and I couldn’t be happier :)
    that's fabulous. it's very difficult to find someone who love laser and have great photograph technic.

    i'm not sure if you allow us to share your pictures on our website and facebook page, i think these artworks should be seen by more people. i will share with your name and link of course.
    Hi Tommy,
    Thanks a lot! I do not post too much on LPF these days but if you want to see my laser and normal photography here is my Flickr page. The most recent laser ones are in pt.24. Enjoy


    I usually post my laser pics there every Saturday. Here are a few recent shots I have taken


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