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Reputation System Discussion and Poll

What should be done with the reputation system?

  • Keep the new system

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Jan 29, 2014
It's not completely gone, I rep everyone who makes a donation but right now it is much harder to do if I've rep'd them for anything else. If anyone else wants to join in with me in that effort, please PM me.

We did have a system like that back in the late 2009 era. Unfortunately it resulted in similar issues to what we are going through now, and after a long heated debate it was stopped.
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Mar 27, 2011
I'm not your teacher! If you don't have a clue about the technology pushing up your @ss, maybe you like it, or got nothing worth a fuck.

The man arrest story is incomplete....

The US government is a deviant pack of Nazi princesses and I ever catch a civilian aiming a Thz radar device at me, he won't even know why he is blind.
Any image of me that I do not authorize is a violation. I will detain any motherfucker who aims a device at me or my animals. We are forbidden, princess.

What about that blue 5 watter?

That's from a thread back in August. Now personally, I think it's a perfect example of the kind of post that's begging for a neg rep, and one that I would have neg repped, if I had seen it back in August.

Thoughts? (To be clear I don't mean let's go neg rep him now, although if you feel like it, go for it:p)
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May 14, 2013
That's from a thread back in August. Now personally, I think it's a perfect example of the kind of post that's begging for a neg rep, and one that I would have neg repped, if I had seen it back in August.

Thoughts? (To be clear I don't mean let's go neg rep him now, although if you feel like it, go for it:p)

I strongly disagree, I very much hope that you just didn't read the whole first page. I hope that you know as well as I do that the U.S. Is turning into a police state and that the government spies on everyone they can.

I was getting close to posting something somewhat similar, but I would have said it in a more polite way. After my and Trendkillas exchange with Eudaimonium, the post by Gabe was the last straw, that post was probably in response to Gabe since the subject had already been covered enough. It amazes me how people in other countries can have such a distorted view of the U.S. And I am disappointed that Eudaimonium could be so naive and innocent. Gabe can be excused because of his young age. I have never been there but maybe Croatia is so much of a third world country that they aren't well aware of some of the advanced technology that exists today, and maybe they think they can trust their government. Maybe Canadians can trust their government too but I doubt it. Anyway I am disappointed in both of them.

You are far too quick to assume people are Trolls.

Jan 29, 2014
Ha, tell me something I don't know, it's a failing of mine :p

OK, I went and found his original post, I never saw it before.

Forgive my forum etiquette, its been a while. Seeing the increase of unidentifiable drones, the invasion of privacy; either car, phone, business cameras feeding images into the internet or governmental agencies like Prism in everyone's business, profiling, experimenting with secret and unknown technologies on the ground in the air and by all means from space... I need a laser that can hit a drone and disrupt its vision.

It is a felony to point a laser at an airplane because people are in it, but if that drone can see me, in my own private world, minding my own business, it's a violation.

I see what he is angry about now, I don't disagree with the feelings, I have a strong rejection of big brother myself, government using the hard earned money of its own citizens to spy on them is just wrong to me, we don't need that much security, I'd rather take the risk and be free.
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LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
I still can't rep you Alaskan, this is silly, I suppose some of the past days I have not used up all 5 so it may take another week.
As for the post in the discussion here, I understand the sentiment too, but when ever a man wishes to make a point about what a man could do in reprisal to privacy invasion or whatever, if it could be taken as a threat that man should say it in 2nd person, such as :
" A man who was angry could burn that down with a half liter of gasoline. "

That way you have not made a direct 1st person threat. ;)

Typically sedition liable has to be in 1st person to show intent.
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Jan 29, 2014
Yes, that's the best way to communicate frustration, less someone take it as a threat of some kind. I don't worry about return reps my friend, I've probably handed out over 3000+ rep points in the last two years, compared to the number given, the ratio back is very small, probably less than 3% and out of those, probably 75% of that 3% were for posts and photo's I've shared of my projects, so I don't even think about it, just like spreading the love to good members.
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May 14, 2013
I don't worry about return reps my friend, I've probably handed out over 3000+ rep points in the last two years, compared to the number given, the ratio back is very small, probably less than 3% and out of those, probably 75% of that 3% were for posts and photo's I've shared of my projects, so I don't even think about it, just like spreading the love to good members.

^ distantly related to Santa Claus, who lives nearby. He's keeping a list and checking it twice, he knows if you've been naughty or nice. :crackup:



Jan 10, 2015
Deleted an old post that didn't contribute to a thread so I can save my 1k post for something special I have planned. Pretty sure that's okay. I'd like to change my vote to option 1, revert to the old system please. I feel like the "ratio" thing doesn't really work well once you get a very high number of required spread. There just aren't >50 regular posters anymore whose content is deserving of rep. I'd be fine with a 1:1 ratio, or at least one where both numbers are low. It adds more value to a rep, you need to consider who's posts of the day are deserving of the limited rep. And while it would be easier to repeatedly hit the same person again, like IE said, it would be quite easy to spot rep abuse. I agree with just about everything IE has said, no ego-stroke intended, so that's pretty much where I stand. I would like to keep the rep system, I find it still is a good indicator of who is a good or bad contributor, as well as giving incentive to provide quality content. If I have more to say I'll edit this, I don't like deleting old stuff.
Mar 27, 2011
I strongly disagree, I very much hope that you just didn't read the whole first page.

I hope that you know as well as I do that the U.S. Is turning into a police state and that the government spies on everyone they can.

No I didn't, and I do understand his sentiments, and even agree with yours on this.

That said, I meant "Thoughts?" with regard to validity of leaving a neg rep on a post like that, since that's what this thread is about, and not on the privacy issue.


Feb 22, 2008
No I didn't, and I do understand his sentiments, and even agree with yours on this.

That said, I meant "Thoughts?" with regard to validity of leaving a neg rep on a post like that, since that's what this thread is about, and not on the privacy issue.

I'd neg rep that post, not because of the guys opinion, which I don't necessarily disagree with, but just his use of language. I've said it before - I'm always dropping F-Bombs in real life, but there's a time and a place. This forum isn't the place. Keep it civil folks! :D

Really though, that's the kind of thing neg reps should be used for. That and spamming/trolling/spurring on drama.
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Nov 28, 2012
Managed to REP Len/Hak a moment ago with 465 REP power and his went up 0:(

On a different note, is it just me or are there multiple new votes under the same new users ;)
Hint hint wink wink......
might even be 6 users with 2 and 1 banned user with 3 (sorry, the rest of you were taking too long to play).

Good find Pman wish I could REP you but, well, you know.... lol
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Mar 27, 2011
Refresh, you should definitely see a difference.

Yeah, the poll is also a bit wonky aside from that imo. Call me old fashioned, but one vote per person seems to simplify things.


Nov 28, 2012
Don't see any difference

Laser log was banned but has 3 votes in the different categories
Diachi has 2 votes in different categories
Electric plasma has 2 votes in different categories
Ricker has 2 votes in 2 different categories
Rarity love has 2 votes in 2 different categories
Doubleone44 has 2 votes in different categories
Icenine has 2 votes in different categories

Did I miss something here? Does it allow you to vote more than once or did the mods not remove the other vote when someone asked to change?

Also Gabe wanted his vote changed from option 3 to option 1

I agree with Diachi on the language thing although I don't drop any "bombs" anywhere (like that was a big surprise).
I have still never negged anyone and have no intention too. I've wanted to but then didn't because when it got so bad that even I was going to do it others had either already done it or I waited a couple hours and others did it.

For the record, BowtieGuy mentioned to me this morning that a couple of what he guessed were trolls had voted here and that's what got my attention to take a look at it.
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Feb 27, 2011
Refresh, you should definitely see a difference.

Yeah, the poll is also a bit wonky aside from that imo. Call me old fashioned, but one vote per person seems to simplify things.

FPTP is a terrible voting system :p

Allowing people to vote multiple times is the simple way to see the popular choice.


LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Wow, I am ashamed that did not occur to me.
That makes very good sense, what solutions do the largest number of people all find acceptable.

I suppose you could pose the question that way, as in, of these options which ones could you live with.

LOL Change me to TWEAK the SYSTEM if you will.
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