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Reputation System Discussion and Poll

What should be done with the reputation system?

  • Keep the new system

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

You are making the assumption I decided to "game" the rep system over some kind of issue with Cyparagon, I've been using them up every single day for a year now because I think the system is stupid. While I say that, it's more than that, to contradict what I just wrote, I also thoroughly enjoyed repping good members too, so it's not so cut and dry an issue with me either and certainly nothing to do with VisualGreen's issues or fight.

Edit: I wasn't fighting Cyparagon, I was supporting VG, by the way, then VG went too far and wouldn't stop, even though Cyparagon and I both came to terms, now I only have issues with how deeply negs can cut if a senior member with a lot of rep history decides to slash out at somone, but that has nothing to do with any single member, not you, not cyparagon, not anyone with a high rep, I am not attaching the thoughts on that to anyone in particular.

Reality is, no one is abusing the neg reps right now, there is only one person I can think of right now who has abused the system in the past in that way, using up reps to dead accounts in order to quickly get back and neg someone over again, and he is no longer doing so. I see no point of repping old accounts for any reason, to me, that is an abuse, far more so than my repping current members who haven't really added much to the community which some members think is just as bad, but I see no harm done repping new members if they are being kind hearted and following the forum rules, people rep others just for posting in the welcome section for the first time. Although lately, I'm not so eager to rep a new member anymore, not while I suspect a banned member has recently created a few sock puppets.
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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Infinitus for what it's worth I was just being a goof, provoking thought, and I did not mean to offend, none of this adds up to the value of any of the knowledge we gain here, or so it seems to me at the moment, I could be wrong.

I have been rep+ by a lot of different people, and some people having been down trodden at first wish to encourage others, they only have good intentions.

This was behind my concept of everyone having so much a day to keep or spend, that way it cost someone to rep be it - or + then we would see in time if the givers were also the biggest receivers or if the biggest receivers were based on merit, in typical human greed fashion even the greedy know if they give back they get more except those who want to see it based on merit.

Truth is it's some of both.

Also the older members put more value on it as they have done much to earn a score.

Maybe each member along with our friends list and our photo albums maybe we could have our own wall of fame where we acknowledge threads and members who contributed something appreciated.

A lot of peoples wall of fame would have some of the same members with some of the same acknowledgements.

Some you would find the rare treasure, or lump of coal, but the tit for tat would dry up when it was on display for what it was.

If we gain something from studying human nature in this then it is not without value, but I fear we have devoted more time to this than it's really worth.

I see good and bad in it, it's not a simple call, what we really need is not only a daily rep allowance of 5, but have it time out in 10 days, so people wanting to rep true contributors don't have to spread the love to the open legs as you say of the rep whores trading tit for tat.

That way you can rep one person who helps you once every 10 days without having to throw away 49 other reps at 5 a day for 10 days just to do that, a time out as others have said would help.

p.s. Without VG and his half dozen sock accounts this place would be dead. God how sad is that?
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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

One thing that I can see the rep system helping with is with sellers. The fact that they need a positive rep count in order to sell things is a good indication on what kind of person they are, and if they're trustworthy. I know some forums only rely on needing to have a certain post count before being able to post a 'for sale'. But with the fairly vast amount of stuff that can pertain to this forum, and how easy it can be to pass off garbage as "quality parts", I don't think post count by itself is enough to allow people to try and sell here. I'm sure it especially makes it easier for the moderators that need to ok any new 'for sale' posts first.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Without VG and his half dozen sock accounts this place would be dead.

Drama brings people together :gh:

Case in point: this thread is a few pages long
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Drama brings people together :gh:

Case in point: this thread is a few pages long

So do wars, coalitions and alliances are formed and they come together in battle, then later at the negotiating table for peace talks where they hopefully reach a compromise. So far by the few who have voted it looks like we are really divided on this issue.
:knight: :fightin: :poke:

Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

*Sigh* can we go back to the old system for now, and close this thread until next time?

Looks like the thing we all agree most on, is no one likes the new system.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

*Sigh* can we go back to the old system for now, and close this thread until next time?

Looks like the thing we all agree most on, is no one likes the new system.

And yet, 7 of us want to tweak the system and 7 of us want to remove the system. Its currently equal, and therefore shouldn't be concluded so quickly. Obviously, people want the system back or remove it entirely.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

And yet, 7 of us want to tweak the system and 7 of us want to remove the system. Its currently equal, and therefore shouldn't be concluded so quickly. Obviously, people want the system back or remove it entirely.

No one likes the new system going by this poll, but the majority want the old system back.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

And yet, 7 of us want to tweak the system and 7 of us want to remove the system. Its currently equal, and therefore shouldn't be concluded so quickly. Obviously, people want the system back or remove it entirely.



To me it appears 14 voted to keep the old system. 7 Voted to remove it, and 7 to tweak it.

Maybe I'm bad at math but 14 =/= 7.

Of course if we manipulate the numbers just a bit more, add in all votes opposed to a view, well then, 83% of the voters do not want to tweak the system.

A more fair interpretation would be that 21 people want to keep a reputation system, and 7 want to remove it, with three abstentions.

Of those 21 who want to keep the system, 7 want to further change it. Still having not put forward a good way to change it, or rationale for proposed changes.

So, to be clear, what is it you want to tweak it to? What exactly, and why?
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I throw my hands up over this, I have bigger fish to fry looking for a new job.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

WOW I am sorry to hear that Alaskan, is it the oil market? are the frackers making Alaskan drilling un profitable?
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I'm not being laid off, just see the writing on the wall due to low oil prices. The oil field industry on what we call the north slope are not doing nearly as much in Alaska right now, so a large portion of the employees in company I work for are drawing pay checks without billable work to charge to. This can't last forever, so looking around. Sad though, I really like working for this company. Yes, the price of oil being so low has caused oil exploration to be put on hold, that's the industry I work in. Not unprofitable to pump the oil south and put on tankers yet, but if the price goes down another 25 percent, might be getting too close and then even more industry cut backs.
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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!



To me it appears 14 voted to keep the old system. 7 Voted to remove it, and 7 to tweak it.

Maybe I'm bad at math but 14 =/= 7.

Of course if we manipulate the numbers just a bit more, add in all votes opposed to a view, well then, 83% of the voters do not want to tweak the system.

A more fair interpretation would be that 21 people want to keep a reputation system, and 7 want to remove it, with three abstentions.

Of those 21 who want to keep the system, 7 want to further change it. Still having not put forward a good way to change it, or rationale for proposed changes.

So, to be clear, what is it you want to tweak it to? What exactly, and why?

You obviously misread my post, I said that there is the same amount of people who don't want the old system than the people who do want the old system that. Here is some maths for you:


I may have not been able to put my point forward, but hopefully this will help you understand. Also, you saying that people "having not put forward a good way to change it, or rationale for proposed changes." is not entirely true as people have commented on how to change it, but you have purposefully ignored it. If you want to understand our side of the argument, then please read either Ears and Egg's disagreement to the rep system and his wanting to remove the system entirely or Pi's solution to the problem.

Now let me tweak this a little:

Of course if we manipulate the numbers just a bit more, add in all votes opposed to keeping the old system, well then, 58.6% of the voters either do not want the old system or don't care. 48.28% of people do not want the old system

A more fair interpretation would be that 14 people want to either want to remove the system or tweak the current one, and 14 want to revert to the old system, with three people not wanting to vote. So 48.28% of people do want the old system back or 48.28% either wanting to tweak or remove the system, basically not wanting the old system back.

There you go.

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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I misread nothing;

And yet, 7 of us want to tweak the system and 7 of us want to remove the system. Its currently equal, and therefore shouldn't be concluded so quickly. Obviously, people want the system back or remove it entirely.

Everyone here can read the numbers, and reach their own conclusions, your original interpretation was presented to be misleading, and I take issue with that.

Now, you posted at least 8 times in this thread. Beat your chest that you're entitled to an opinion (which no one contradicted), continue to say that you want change, but still have not offered an alternative.

Referring to Pi's post, which is itself vague, is not an answer. That you keep avoiding it, leads me to believe that you're just trolling for attention.

Edit: To be clear I haven't ignored what Pi said, it just wasn't specific. So far the only specific suggestions have been to revert to the old system OR remove it altogether. Suggest you go back and re-read Pi's post yourself.

Here, since you seem hung up on it...

Maybe change the required reps from 40 down to 30, or change the daily limit back to 10.


Still not one clear suggestion from either you or anyone else who wants to "tweak" the system.
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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I misread nothing;

Everyone here can read the numbers, and reach their own conclusions, your original interpretation was presented to be misleading, and I take issue with that.

Now, you posted at least 8 times in this thread. Beat your chest that you're entitled to an opinion (which no one contradicted), continue to say that you want change, but still have not offered an alternative.

Referring to Pi's post, which is itself vague, is not an answer. That you keep avoiding it, leads me to believe that you're just trolling for attention.

Edit: To be clear I haven't ignored what Pi said, it just wasn't specific. So far the only specific suggestions have been to revert to the old system OR remove it altogether. Suggest you go back and re-read Pi's post yourself.

Here, since you seem hung up on it...

Still not one clear suggestion from either you or anyone else who wants to "tweak" the system.

Takes one to know one :whistle:

If you actually think I am trolling, good luck.
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