Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!
Adding FYI could be saying " For your information " as to say it's for your benefit so you don't appear ignorant in the future.
Saying FYI you dumbass!!! --would mean what you thought. Saying Just fyi

would have softened it. As it was you assumed too much.
The technical aspects could be debated, and it is common for the Chinese to rely on production tolerances of internal resistance, I see it in these multi led camp lights.
I think if they were off they would burn up right away, or you would see some dim and others bright, so what he said is not necessarily wrong, and how do you know it's an attempt to undermine rather than help?
Also I have to ask, would it not be better to ask and clarify his intended meaning then, rather than stew for 4 days possibly thinking the wrong thing?
If I tell you about my friend Rick and his big dog dick.
If I tell you about my friend Rick and his big dog Dick.
Do you see how the case of one letter changes everything?
I think sometimes Cyparagon gets tired of stupidity and lashes out a bit, then every time he helps later on people automatically think the worst.
I care about useful knowledge, I don't have to have it gift wrapped to make good use of it.
It's childish to be mad about something for 4 days, send a PM and ask what someone meant, then you know where you stand. But be nice in asking and treat others as you wish to be treated, or learn that people are different, or lets all neg rep each other into zero town and be done with it, everyone into the parking lot that was a joke

see I was smiling.