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REKE-500RGB @ LasersMan 209$* Shipped

Thats because people rarely use the extended warranty. Usually by then, they have a better product out , and people gotta have it instead (iphone for example). Its a borderline scam.[/QUOTE]

It's not borderline. Often times it is a flat out scam, with loopholes in the fine print that make it a nightmare to make use of the warranty.

Sure... warranty that $300 tv for three years. Except that if it breaks down you're responsible for shipping which will run you well over a hundred. Usually you're also only entitled to a replacement with a refurbishing unit of equal or lesser value, and it's never actually available, so just maybe you'll be given a discount off of a ridiculous list price, and end up saving nothing in the long run.

Im just the opposite, as Im going to hack on it and upgrade it anyway, so why spend the money twice. That is unless I was to just fork out $6000 for a unit I wouldnt have to upgrade, but that will never happen, so....!! As long as a cheap one works out of the box, Im OK with that. Plus it will give me something to keep occupied tweaking it. I usually void any warranties within an hour or so of getting electronic devices anyway.

Oh I have no intention of buying a top of the line model. I just think that it might suit me better to start off with something more mid range, after all upgrading can only take you so far.

No real clue how good they are... (anyone done biz w/Yourlaser??)
but they have reke 500rgb at ~$300 with free ship.
My kenometer showed my REKE peaking at ~600mW
Yourlasers offers very cheap what looks to me to be the same as my reke500rgb but it has a single diode 445 nm running only at 200mW--how hard can it be to up the current or swap out the driver and get 600mW with ilda and same scanset as mine. ~17Kpps??? they say 10K.

they have 3 pages of PJs and several that take ILDA ('in',only... they would be better if they also had ilda 'out' like better pjs do.)

no word back yet about a forum members promo code

and YES they REALLY need help on most china sites with translation..
I asked once about rest/duty cycling-- they replied we ' no sell cycles..'

and also once-- prolly meaning --This IS IMPORTANT-- they wrote "Now Pay Attention!'
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No real clue how good they are... (anyone done biz w/Yourlaser??)
but they have reke 500rgb at ~$300 with free ship.
My kenometer showed my REKE peaking at ~600mW
Yourlasers offers very cheap what looks to me to be the same as my reke500rgb but it has a single diode 445 nm running only at 200mW--how hard can it be to up the current or swap out the driver and get 600mW with ilda and same scanset as mine. ~17Kpps??? they say 10K.

they have 3 pages of PJs and several that take ILDA ('in',only... they would be better if they also had ilda 'out' like better pjs do.)

no word back yet about a forum members promo code

and YES they REALLY need help on most china sites with translation..
I asked once about rest/duty cycling-- they replied we ' no sell cycles..'

and also once-- prolly meaning --This IS IMPORTANT-- they wrote "Now Pay Attention!'

Where are you finding the projectors on yourlasers.com ? I can only find one, and its a little crappy handheld spiro!!
Where are you finding the projectors on yourlasers.com ? I can only find one, and its a little crappy handheld spiro!!

Let the 'Hak' give you that link--
BIN 303$ free ship-- buy one and let us know if they are rejects.
300mw 650nm Red 50mW 532nm Green 150mW 450nm Blue Laser RGB Full Color Animation Laser Light DJ Equipment Auto Sound DMX512 ILDA PC Master Slave Stage Laser Light Projector Reke-500RGB

heres a link to all reke at yr laser
you really only want the ILDAs all have DMX too
Search results for: 'reke'+
and this little dandy 200mW 445 ILDA onlt 123.00usd-- why not make into 800mW?

200mW 445nm Star Party Auto Sound DMX512 ILDA PC Single Blue Stage Laser Projector Reke-91B

see here now at 303$
300mw 650nm Red 50mW 532nm Green 150mW 450nm Blue Laser RGB Full Color Animation Laser Light DJ Equipment Auto Sound DMX512 ILDA PC Master Slave Stage Laser Light Projector Reke-500RGB

still not a real bad deal but ONLY if it works as well as my 209$ from
Lasersman. I need one bad for a private party so it may be me that becomes the YOURLASER reke guinneapig. I will need to sell it right after a short use.

Let the 'Hak' give you that link--
BIN 303$ free ship-- buy one and let us know if they are rejects.
300mw 650nm Red 50mW 532nm Green 150mW 450nm Blue Laser RGB Full Color Animation Laser Light DJ Equipment Auto Sound DMX512 ILDA PC Master Slave Stage Laser Light Projector Reke-500RGB

heres a link to all reke at yr laser
you really only want the ILDAs all have DMX too
Search results for: 'reke'+
and this little dandy 200mW 445 ILDA onlt 123.00usd-- why not make into 800mW?

200mW 445nm Star Party Auto Sound DMX512 ILDA PC Single Blue Stage Laser Projector Reke-91B

see here now at 303$
300mw 650nm Red 50mW 532nm Green 150mW 450nm Blue Laser RGB Full Color Animation Laser Light DJ Equipment Auto Sound DMX512 ILDA PC Master Slave Stage Laser Light Projector Reke-500RGB

still not a real bad deal but ONLY if it works as well as my 209$ from
Lasersman. I need one bad for a private party so it may be me that becomes the YOURLASER reke guinneapig. I will need to sell it right after a short use.

Ahhh, I was looking at www.yourlasers.com with an "S". Its the DX site.

Im sure they will be just as good, if not better. The $209 may have been a close out price for a batch of units that didnt pass QC 100%, or perhaps just an old version they needed to rid of, and the new ones possibly better.

If you get one, I would seriously consider buying it from you if u end up having to sell it.
^^^ if you live near Houston --free delivery.. I really cant afford to keep a second one. And I just broke a mirror on my DIY that is not even close to ready. If I do well with this DJ and his private parties it may become a good thing for me.

But if they come back (IMO not likely) at 210$ who would give me 300$ even tho they would not re taking the risk of a DOA- that problem would be mine.

As far as the Laserman goesI dont think it an older or rejected unit as it runs just fine- good yellow blend- no seperation at distance. no much more flicker than a 30K and the atmospherics in good fog are very nice.
speaking of fog- so thick outside I need a knife to go out and take pics. Posting post #4000 now- new eyecandy from Hak--back with a link.


link to hak post #4000


scroll to #30 -- ifi wasnt so tired I would go back out with more colors(or maybe Reke)- the fog is almost a fine mist of a rain- hak no likey get water on lasers.
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^^^ if you live near Houston --free delivery.. I really cant afford to keep a second one.

Unfortunately I missed out on this deal while it was happening. I didn't even see the thread until a day ago or so. So, if you're looking to offload a perfectly good Reke-500RGB at cost.. I may be interested. I do have a question though; this would be my first projector - what all is required to get this thing lasing. Documentation from these sellers appears to be about what I'd expect from chinese retailers... miserable.

Edit: just to be clear; by lasing I mean putting out a white beam - all three lasers at full power. I realize that for a "show" I'll need an ILDA adapter DAC, the ILDA program, and a DB25 cable. If I can set it up in a few minutes to just shoot out a white beam I'll be happy with it until I could get the rest of the stuff needed to have it operate as a real projector.
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That is the difference. One is RGB and the other is RGV. You don't get the same 7 colors from RGV as you do from RGV.
I got mine today,, haven't stopped playing with it.. Going to bring it to Static Fridays 2nite for its first show
I got mine today,, haven't stopped playing with it.. Going to bring it to Static Fridays 2nite for its first show

Wait a minute..... You mean to tell me you got your Reke today, you come here to tell us and make us all jealous , and you dont even post pics!!!

You know thats sacrilegious to get a new laser and not share......even though we have all seen them before!!!
So mine ended up coming with the Key on-off switch, the manual says 10kpps and when i looked inside it had a 15k sticker in the chip and the manual also said 300mW red 50mW green 300mW blue so my reke is 650mW total.. im very pleased with the reke..
Wait a minute..... You mean to tell me you got your Reke today, you come here to tell us and make us all jealous , and you dont even post pics!!!

You know thats sacrilegious to get a new laser and not share......even though we have all seen them before!!!
Im getting ready to go to the club,,i will post pics later,, hey , ive been waiting this loooong 3 weeks to get it,, i was lucky enough to grab the last one for the $209 price 2 days b4 the upped the price $140 or so more.. but hey i took time to find the best deals and when i saw it, i jumped on it as fast as i could .. my avatar is the reke .. but ttyl yall later, i got 3 pj's to put to work :beer::D
I got mine today,, haven't stopped playing with it.. Going to bring it to Static Fridays 2nite for its first show

tell me about the yellow- looks good?
see any red or green at the edges of yellow?
key on/off or switch??
join out REKE socail group its NEW
invite only

PM please

I will not be posting much anymore here at LPF- contact me via PM or other means-
I have Good news, Use this Coupon HZLMfb15 and get it for 263$ (Not bad)
She said is Vaild for 5 days From now for 10 Orders. :beer:
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