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FrozenGate by Avery

Possible burned retina.... Please Read

I also suggest you to go to an ophthalmologist, but not be too alarmed because sometimes these are only temporary microlesions.

Yes, this is what they look like:undecided: and, yes I don't exactly want my parents to find out because they don't like the laser to begin with, I would describe them almost exactly as mfo described them in his thread...:confused:
EDIT: and no they are in my peripheral I don't notice them at all unless I really look for them.
EDIT 2: the best way to describe them is as Dark gray blotches that I can see through, although kind of cloudy, not a complete spot of blindness, a cloud, is how I would describe it...

I suggest you ask your parents to get you to an eye doctor. Nothing is better than telling the truth. Trust me, it's worse to keep your fear for yourself. When I had a feeling that something was wrong with my eye I told my parents and they showed understanding because they care about me. In the end, after visiting the eye doctor, he found nothing wrong with my eye. It should have been my feeling after watching the dot of my DX dilda which was very bright. But now everything is okay, now that I know it's only my mind and stopped think about it ;) So again, go to the opthalmologist and give an end to this story :)
Dude, you should definitely get a professional who knows what to look for examine your eyes. You need your vision for the rest of your life, most of which won't be as a minor concerned about his parents taking his laser away.

Hey, is your avatar doing the posting here? It's obvious in the photo what caused this problem [ribbit]! ..Couldn't help it, I know this is a real concern..

I'm not sure if this applies where you live, but I know with my medicare, my parent's can't look at any medical records between the ages of 14-18. If you can grab an appointment, and find a ride that's probably your best bet.
I have floaters... they were not caused by Laser beams...

Shake your head quickly.... focus in the spots....
do the spots seem to move...??

If so... then they could be floaters...
If they do not move at all.... see an Eye Doctor...

I got a direct hit in the eye once. I had a blackspot in one eye for a few days, then out of nowhere came a mirrored spot in the other eye as you described. I think it's the brain compensating for the loss of vision in one eye somehow. I did some research and found out that if the blackspot is cloud-ish/gray-ish, then it's not permanent, and if it's solid black then it is permanent. My spot(s) were the gray-ish type, and sure enough, after a few months (yes, it takes a while) the spots disappeared.
You know that everyone has a blind spot in each eye right?
It's where the optic nerve leaves the retina. There are no photo-receptors in this area so you will not "see" from this part of your retina.
I can find mine too.
Do some research and tell us if this is what you "see."
And like others have said, get it checked if you are still fearful.
yep, move your eyes back and forth and shake your head to see if they move around. If they do move then they are floaters.

Like a lot of people here I seem to have had an influx of floaters after starting my laser hobby. I have always had a few floaters that I noticed now and then that are directly in front of my eyes, and after starting with lasers it seems like I can notice them in my peripherals now. It is probably just me being more aware of them after looking for laser damage, but I still went to the doctor and had some tests to ease my fears. It helps a lot having a doctor tell you there is nothing wrong with you.
Consider what you consider to be more valuable... your laser? Or your own eyesight?

Hiding it from your parents won't be worth it. If it turns out to be floaters, you can convince your parents to keep your laser... IF you get some saftely goggles. Glenn has some available for $15. Please don't risk it.
If you have any concern at all, go to an eye doctor. Floaters don't look like black spots at all - they are grey tranclucent floaty things

Some can be black actually.

My mother tells me to stop making lasers all the time. So does my fiance.

I tell them that isn't going to happen.

Lol, you're hardcore Matt!

Yes, this is what they look like:undecided: and, yes I don't exactly want my parents to find out because they don't like the laser to begin with, I would describe them almost exactly as mfo described them in his thread...:confused:
EDIT: and no they are in my peripheral I don't notice them at all unless I really look for them.
EDIT 2: the best way to describe them is as Dark gray blotches that I can see through, although kind of cloudy, not a complete spot of blindness, a cloud, is how I would describe it...

Well, put it to you like this. I've spent hundreds of dollars on lasers. Now, if I had to put all of my lasers on one side of a balance scale, and my vision on the other, guess which side would go out of the window?

You need your vision for everything you do in life. EVERYTHING! Driving, working, picking up women, etc. Tell your parents the truth, your vision is way more important than a laser.

I do believe that on top of floaters, near-sited people tend to develop retinal issues such as detached retina due to the shape of it and the strain it puts on the back walls.

Also, I do believe a burned retina = permanent black spot in your field of vision that won't move. However I thankfully speak from inexperience and may be wrong.

Edit: I know it can be scary. I'm 25 and to be honest I'm shitting bricks (only way I can describe it) knowing I have to go to the Opthemologist on the 23rd of this month, and what the results could possibly be. I'm 90% sure I just have a bad case of floaters (compared to the average 25 year old) but I want to be 100% sure. Go to the Dr.!!
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OK thank you all for your input! I will look into going to a doctor, and do more research, and whatnot and I will get back, thank you all for your concern it really means a lot to me!:bowdown:
OK thank you all for your input! I will look into going to a doctor, and do more research, and whatnot and I will get back, thank you all for your concern it really means a lot to me!:bowdown:

Don't procrastinate either!
Considering you never got a direct hit and the most powerful laser you have is a PHR.

I would say that you are just paranoid lol

"But they don't seem to completely block vision, they seem to just "cloud" small areas, they appear black but almost transparent"

Sounds like floaters to me.

An OPHTHALMOLOGIST would be better able to detect a problem !!!!!!!!!!! rob
I am honestly 99.99% sure i didn't get a direct hit, but I have always been paranoid about almost everything, and I'm OCD (self diagnosed Anal) lol
