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FrozenGate by Avery

Possible burned retina.... Please Read

I am honestly 99.99% sure i didn't get a direct hit, but I have always been paranoid about almost everything, and I'm OCD (self diagnosed Anal) lol

Yeah, same here. But seriously get your effin eyes checked :)

I'm going to the Eye doctors Tuesday for a glasses adjustment, not a checkup though, I will ask and see If they will do anything... BTW I did a natural blindspot test and the black spots were further off, but upon further examination, the black spots are definitely transparent, but don't move no mater how much I shake my head or move my eyes....
I'm going to the Eye doctors Tuesday for a glasses adjustment, not a checkup though, I will ask and see If they will do anything... BTW I did a natural blindspot test and the black spots were further off, but upon further examination, the black spots are definitely transparent, but don't move no mater how much I shake my head or move my eyes....

Natural blind spots will not appear as black spots on your field of vision. They are not easily detectable because your brain automatically "fills in" the blind spot to compensate. They'll look more like blurry spots or shadows. At least that's the best way I can describe how I see them.

It sounds like paranoia to me.
I think it's paranoia too, and I understand that he's afraid about his parents telling him to stop with the lasers, but anyway, GO to the doctor.

edit: I just found this:


It simulates many eye defects, including floaters, cataracts, etc...

It can help you to know if your problem are floaters or not.

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^Very neat link thank you! I checked it out, and that depicted what my problem seemed like only mine is stationary as opposed to the movement around the eye... again thank you all!
I think it's paranoia too, and I understand that he's afraid about his parents telling him to stop with the lasers, but anyway, GO to the doctor.

edit: I just found this:


It simulates many eye defects, including floaters, cataracts, etc...

It can help you to know if your problem are floaters or not.


Thanks a lot Albert...very interesting...
Stop playing with that damn laser turtle LOL. I was playing with my 20mW green a few weeks ago and caught a reflection. Now I have a stationary black dot in my right eye. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, and glad it was not my 6X.

Never be afraid to tell your parents when you get hurt. They may be mad now, but in the long run they will respect you for being honest. Everyone makes mistakes.
Using lasers can make you paranoid about any visual problem. It seems more likely than not that your problem is unrelated to laser use, and would have developed anyway.

As far as your parents go: If you have your eyes examined, the diagnosis will likely tell that the problem you are experiencing is not caused by using a laser.

The problem with people using lasers is that they are likely to attribute any vision problems to their laser use. Most of these problems are in fact things that people not using lasers also experience, but disregard because they don't see an obvious cause, or get treatment for without ever thinking about a possible cause. Things like floaters just develop - there isn't likely to be some incident that can be identified as the cause.
Consider what you consider to be more valuable... your laser? Or your own eyesight?

Hiding it from your parents won't be worth it. If it turns out to be floaters, you can convince your parents to keep your laser... IF you get some safety goggles. Glenn has some available for $15. Please don't risk it.

I Have a stupid question....
If you use the laser around the house, you don't really need to wear the goggles do you?
There are some points that i burn stuff, and the concentrated blue/violate color plays tricks with my vision (colors are different than what the really are, e.g purple seem more like pale pink)

If they are required maybe i should go talk to Glenn about ordering a pair

P.s If you are paranoid of damage being made, IMO go to an eye doctor! You can always sneak out for an appointment with an eye doctor (doesn't have to be a family doctor)
I Have a stupid question....
There are some points that i burn stuff, and the concentrated blue/violate color plays tricks with my vision (colors are different than what the really are, e.g purple seem more like pale pink)

This color effect is normal and to be expected. Its caused by the same mechanism that makes the eye adapt to bright and dim conditions on the longer timescale. The difference is that you do it with one color at time.

You'll likely observe a similar effect when looking at the dot from a red laser for a long period of time: normally red icons on your screen will appear pink/pale just afterwards and such. Nothing to worry about.
Benm you nailed it perfectly! thats exactly what is going on!
Nice to know that i will keep my eye sight, for now :)

Well on a second note.... Hell its fun!!!
Hello LPF users, I am very nervous, as I have noticed a couple of black spots in my vision, one for each eye, I don't own any safety goggles, yet, but I also don't remember getting a direct hit, although close maybe a couple of times (reflections) ...

Can you provide more detail regarding the "close" events?
1 .What was the reflecting surface?
2. Did the reflected beam enter your eye?
3. If yes, for how long?
4. What was the distance between your eye and the reflecting surface?
5. What were the beam characteristics? In particular, power (100mw?) and focus (near or infinity?)

With this info, it is easy enough to calculate whether you are likely to have been exposed to any real risk of eye damage.

I went to the eye doctors and I couldn't ask them because my mom was waiting in the car, and I have yet to tell her because It really isn't a bother for me... I never see the spots unless looking for them....

1. A Window :tsk:
2. I honestly don't think so but... I can't be sure...
3. If yes <1 second I quickly jerked away
4. Approx. 7-10ft.
5. 100mw(approx) and focused to infinity

But there was one more "close" call... I had put it in a new host, and I had to hot glue the Module in place (I put little glue and used a low heat gun) and I was inspecting the outside, and In a moment of stupidity I accidentally pressed the button,(I know, I know, bad, very very stupid...) If anything this may have been the moment but, I think It was just a REALLY close call because I wasn't looking at the module it self or the lens just around the outside, but I have been thinking lately That If i had gotten a burn wouldn't it make sense to be in the center of my vision? Not the peripheral? Please Correct Me If I am wrong, but, thank goodness, if they are burn(s)? they never bother me unless I look for them, I hope that maybe I have an incident like Grix on page 1 but if not, I have taken my lumps, so as to speak, and now I am not going to use the laser until I get safety goggles, and I know to buy goggles before I get a new laser, because we all know it's just too tempting to not use the laser...;)
EDIT: Hey, are those focalprice ones okay If I was to get a reflection to the eye? Probably not direct but still(stupid me...) How about Glenn's goggles?
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