Thanks for finding that link and posting it.
The USPS MO for the PL-E in this thread arrived today--Thanks Eric- your laser will go out on Monday.
I will have few more shipped to me here in Texas very soon.
If anyone is serious about getting a 532nm 500 or 600mW that will be very OverSpec just PM me with your choice of host color, switching option and power. I would rather order one for you than try and guess which combination would most likely be wanted, even if you cannot follow thru. I fully understand how life can get in the way of lasers.
The price will not go up if the choice is the same as the two I just sold- the coded versions are a little more than the simple mechanical switch version.
I always try to add some extra surprize goodies when I ship but for the next round the shipping (actual) and the battery will not be free. So a rough guesstimate for a 600mW, non code switch with one high quality 26650, Gold Kong Kong 4000mAh batt will be around $600.
Not too bad for the power output and the outstanding customer service that has gotten JL the deserved great reputation and many return customers. The warranty is honored to the fullest extent.
In about 2/3 weeks Gray will have a brand new LaserbeeII graphing meter so no laser will be sold without a free graph IN ADVANCE.
So while you may find a cheaper laser , you will NOT find any 'better deals'
when everything is taken into consideration.
I still have two Jetlaser Ti-Bs (original version)ready to ship for $172 plus shippping and battery-
Doing graphs on both tonite and these will be posted asap. With insurance and confirmed delivery the cost for that service is around $12-
New supply of 14500 batteries is on the way and I will have prices for those and 4 other sizes posted in a new thread. 24.6 pounds of batteries should last a while. Anyone wanting the best price and highest quality in the 26650 size needs to get with me before ordering elsewhere.
