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FrozenGate by Avery

Osram PL520 520nm

Mar 21, 2016
I have a couple new osram PL520 50mw diodes on the way and was wondering if anyone has done builds with these and have advice such as: what driver/setting etc.
Also how visible the beam is and it's specs. kinda excited, been stuck in 445nm land lol,

Looks like DTR runs em at 150mA for 55mW, and 200mA max for ~80mW. I'd keep it at 150mA just for life span purposes, unless you've got some good heatsyncing, though this won't need much at such low power. Your choice.

I've used this tool for the following info: Relative Laser Beam Brightness Calculator: (445nm 487.94mw) vs. (520nm 55mw)

Looks like 55mW of direct green is equal to 488mW of 445nm, so it won't be that bright but it'll be visible on a dark night.

I had mostly blues from the beginning too, but green gets old after you get too hyped up about it like I did lol. And then so does blue. So time to strike a balance at sky blue for me :D I've got a NUBM07E on the way!
Thanks EP,
Looking hard at the 07E myself, love anything 9mm since using the 35mm cu modules, what a combo. Power AND long duty cycle.
The PL520 is single mode I believe, will be my first. Also have a couple ea. 405nm (209 and so6j) 700mw and 900 mw on the way, been bidding on ebay, think I'm addicted....lol
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Looks like DTR runs em at 150mA for 55mW, and 200mA max for ~80mW. I'd keep it at 150mA just for life span purposes, unless you've got some good heatsyncing, though this won't need much at such low power. Your choice.

I've used this tool for the following info: Relative Laser Beam Brightness Calculator: (445nm 487.94mw) vs. (520nm 55mw)

Looks like 55mW of direct green is equal to 488mW of 445nm, so it won't be that bright but it'll be visible on a dark night.

And 80mw of 520 is around 708mw of 445 (line). And 1340mw of 445 (dot).
I just built one of these myself. I used a 200ma x-drive mini from DTR. I ended up finding 2 for $30 for these diodes on fleebay.
Hi VV,

250mA Xboost will give a out put around 90mW's or higher. i built a couple pens with that diode, they are awesome at the setting and will last if not pushed higher.

Hi VV,

250mA Xboost will give a out put around 90mW's or higher. i built a couple pens with that diode, they are awesome at the setting and will last if not pushed higher.


Sweet! im gonna play with them a little, no lpm (yet) but I do have a psu. Will push one to 250ma I'm sure. I do have a backup
Thanks Rich
Hi VV,
Enjoy it oh if you ever get the chance try the 520 B1 the safe zone is about 200mW's output. they are a nice diode also ..

I have a couple new osram PL520 50mw diodes on the way and was wondering if anyone has done builds with these and have advice such as: what driver/setting etc.
Also how visible the beam is and it's specs. kinda excited, been stuck in 445nm land lol,

I have done one build with one of these and I am very pleased with it, still working good after more than two years.


It has a very visible beam in dim lighting, mine does 82mW with an acrylic lens, a 3 element lens had terrible results, so use an acrylic lens or a single element lens like a G2. The one I built has a huge heat sink so it can run for up to several minutes at a time but that is not the case for everyone, these diodes do produce excessive heat for their power output.

I run them set just over 100mW with a G2 lens as they are a tough little diode. In general after I build it and test with the G lens I then just put an acrylic in it. I actually have one in hand that I'm going to build for a friend here as a kindness since I had a few bucks in my Paypal left. Just waiting on the driver.
Looking at DTR page you can see that he will actually sell one set to 250mA which gives about 96mW. What I am saying is he doesn't sell a diode pushed hard enough to likely fail quickly. Of course you are always upping the antenna of diode failure the more you ask of them so as always it's a risk assessment. 520nm is going to give a nice beautiful beam at these lower outputs. 532nm is really great because of its divergence and nice dot too. Don't care what comes out, 532nm will always be great in my book.
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Thanks Alan and Pman, the bunch of you guys have me excited to get my hands on these diodes. I will definitely push one and will test both on the psu and put one in the sweetspot. Wasn't sure I was gonna use these in a build but have changed my mind. Got to study up on the pen builds you guys have posted. Thanks again for the info, repped those I could and will rep the rest after I spread some love...
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I have done one build with one of these and I am very pleased with it, still working good after more than two years.


It has a very visible beam in dim lighting, mine does 82mW with an acrylic lens, a 3 element lens had terrible results, so use an acrylic lens or a single element lens like a G2. The one I built has a huge heat sink so it can run for up to several minutes at a time but that is not the case for everyone, these diodes do produce excessive heat for their power output.


Hi Alan sweet build! Liking the long heatsink, kinda looks like DTR's origional 510 threaded heatsink....hmmmm
I just happen to have one lieing around! Also have an empty s4. Maybe I can make them work together.
Thanks for the info guys
If anyone has measured the divergence of the PL520 I'd love to know what you are getting and how wide the beam is.
