This past Saturday, we tested a new motor from a new batch sent to us last week from our main supplier. The Rocket was a 29mm minimum diameter fiberglass kit from a company in Ontario. Weight unloaded is almost 1Kg.
The weekend launch was an impressive display of the Aerotech "NT" branded motors. aka .. New Blue Thunder.
The launch was an excuse to test the new motors with my new firing electronics. As was mentioned earlier, I built the firing electronics off an Arduino countdown timer. The Arduino delivers a long 5V pulse to the main battery box which contains an SSR(60VDC 30A rated solid state relay) , key lockout and a 12V ~8Ahr gel cell. The system is able to be modified to use
higher voltages for lighting hybrid rocket motors as well. The arduino uses
the timer.h library and can be adjusted from 5sec to 60secs launch delay.
the countdown in seconds is displayed on a 7 segment display from sparkfun.
The rocket travelled 1.513Km ~1Mile, at a peak velocity of 1087.1 km/h.
All and all not bad, though we have had faster and higher altitudes with our lighter rockets. This is the first time we have launched with the new altimeter III from Jolly logic
The graph is the data from my iPhone via bluetooth.