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FrozenGate by Avery

New 9mm 445 diodes

I never saw a dimming! they are alive or there dead dont go over 3.15A 3.1A is the absolute limit on the 5 I have tested...
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Lol, well I hit 3.3A and it is still running like a boss. Anyway, I completed the 9mm build and it is visibly brighter than all my M140s. I will LPM it when I get my LPM in a couple weeks to see what it really puts out. Here are a couple pictures:



Heatsink and focus adapter by Flaminpyro
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3.3A! Yikes that's crazzy... Never had one survive that much current. What V was it at at 3.3A? Nice build BTW.. I just love Pyro's custom focus adapters..
3.3A? :eek: That diode must live a short life at that kind of current.
Lol, well I hit 3.3A and it is still running like a boss. Anyway, I completed the 9mm build and it is visibly brighter than all my M140s. I will LPM it when I get my LPM in a couple weeks to see what it really puts out. Here are a couple pictures:



Heatsink and focus adapter by Flaminpyro

You murderer...:eg:
I think the best way to tell when the diode is dimming would be to take LPM measurements while slowly and gradually adjusting the current... That's what I'd do if I'd be pushing my diode like this.
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that might be a little inaccurate because of the diode heating up, wouldnt it?
Well it will be in the heatsink and nothing prevents you from turning off the supply and letting it cool down a bit. Besides from what I understand dimming = dramatic reduction in the output, so you'd be able to tell the difference between intensity reduction due to heating and dimming
Didn't you made a LPM readout at 3.3A ? :)

No LPM yet. Soon though. I plan to get a Laserbee II in a week or two.

I also do not recall the V it was at when I hit 3.3A sorry. It was only at that current for a couple seconds while in a giant active cooled CPU heatsink rig I made. Now I run it at 2.2A and it is wicked stable in flaminpyro's heatsink and gets badass duty cycles. It has a longer duty cycle than any of my M140 builds so far.

On the dimming subject, as soon as I passed just over 3A the diode appeared to lose 10% or more power every 100mA of additional current. This is visually guessing BTW.
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The one I killed died at 3.1A 6V. I believe Lazereer's died at about the same.
I purchased a 445 diode from DTR about a year ago. It has the big external lens attached.
I'm getting interested again and I have a housing but I have a question or two.
Should I remove this exterior lens? Use it?
Is this the same diode I see you guys talking about going to ~3 Amps?
I also see talk of a PL450B but that looks like an 80 mW diode.

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Yes, you need to remove the cage with the lens from the diode. The lens is re-useable and has the same focal length as the G1/G2 lenses we use.

The 9mm diode is the same diode we are talking about in this thread. I wouldn't go as high as 3A. Around 2.1A is what I consider it as safe.
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Blord --
Thanks for the fast reply. +1 I thought the thick lens was for beam correction prior to focusing lenses. I read back many posts and didn't see why but I didn't want to seat the 9mm until I knew more.
Do I mount that big ass lens into a focus assembly instead of the other available lenses? Does this diode exhibit the "fold back" in power as current increases?
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