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FrozenGate by Avery

Neg Rep Mob Mentality

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LPF Site Supporter
Dec 28, 2009
The neg rep campaign going on against Jerry is just wrong. I would expect such from noobs but not from so many other wise esteemed senior members and many of you I proudly counted as friends. It one thing to passionately disagree and duke it out in a thread but to engage in this kind of neg rep abuse is just childishness and you guys ought to be ashamed. I've never seen anything close to this extreme behavior on LPF before. Mods why are you sitting by doing nothing as if this has your tacit approval?

If mob mentality rule is what LPF has sunk to then go ahead and neg rep me off of here too.

If they are very esteemed and you count them as friends, then maybe they do have a point and reason.

Personally, Jerry isn't exactly shining example of great business practices and honestly some are really overboard. He went far out of his way to smear the reputation of Ken and Trevor, belittle their work and destroy their business, while NOT doing it wouldn't hurt his business even a tiny bit.

If he is producing a pretty good quality LPM's, which I hear he does, he has no reason for such cold and hostile attitude toward people who just want to make something useful and help somebody out.

Drama has been stretching out for what, years. Objectively... he had it coming; he is not technically breaking any forum rules, but is still hurting members none the less. This is obviously an attempt to get him to get the point... unless I am missing something?

Jerry, here's one more LPF member that disagrees with your business ethics. :(
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Might as well speak up.

I've spent the last few years working on open-source projects like OpenLPM and Peregrine, to benefit the LPF community and encourage innovation and give people more choice.

Jerry has spent the same few years trying to kill or obstruct those projects - particularly Peregrine - ostensibly because they do for free what he wants money for.

I don't believe his behavior is in our community's best interests, nor do I believe it is acceptable in any way, shape, or form.

I've spoken with moderators multiple times about it, and was told there's nothing that can be done. So, I did what I could and handed him some red bars to register my disapproval of his behavior.

Hobby LPM's could be so much better and so much cheaper, but he's spent the last four years being obstructionist, running out competition, and, in doing so, stifling innovation.

Friendly competition from the beginning would have led us some pretty awesome places. :(

I don't think we're entitled to judge any of them about their actions... This is their battle, theyre all big boys and i'm sure they'll sort it out themselves. Obviously Jerry has done something to piss these guys off, and they naturally retaliated.
Just my opinion on this because in reality it doesnt affect US 1 bit.
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I have not neg rep'd Jerry but I dont care for his tactics. He went out of his way to pull LPM graphs from my reviews (since I used Alex & Trevor's new LPM) and then tried to attack them saying their product was junk and inaccurate. He never once consulted me for evidence, questioning on conditions or anything. He just went out of his way to bash their product. Well in the end he was SOOOOOO wrong since the jitter was caused by my mistake. I provide proof that it was my mistake and he has yet to say a word about it. What is childish is blaming someone for something and then running away when proven wrong. Be a man, stand up and say "ok i was wrong. the Rubicon series of LPMs is not broken or garbage." You dont see people buying LBs and trashing them. The real question is who or what is really childish :thinking:
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There was a lot of tension building before this all started, such as here and here.

This debate was the final straw and I gave him a negative reputation for what I considered to be crossing the line. He gave me a negative reputation back (which I expected) but I felt that the comment that came with it was out of line. I gave him a negative reputation back for that, then I received another neg.
From there it became a tit for tat episode.

The reputation system tempers people when they talk to other people with high reputation, and for someone like lasersbee who used to have the second highest reputation that was a problem.
When others realized they could speak up and call him out without fear of loosing lots of rep they spoke up.
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The mods aren't gonna sit there and say "stop neg repping Jerry or else", it's up to the members to sort their issues out with each other, and as long as it doesn't spill into the open forum, it's their problem.
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Both Jerry, and a certain other "esteemed" member frequently handed out neg reps by the handful in the past.

Where was the outrage then?

Personally I think Jerry is a professional, but I also think he's kind of a jerk, and it's been a long time coming. Maybe all the red will serve as a reminder to him, that this is NOT his house, but rather a nice public meeting place.

Nor is he shy about returning neg reps.
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I neg-rp´d Jerry for the continous attacks on other LPM creators.

It´s fine / good to do competition, but he is mad that there are other competetors "on his market". It got worth since Trevor and ARG more started with their stuff.

I respect Jerry for his knowledge and his products, but not for his tactics.
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I respect Jerry for his knowledge and his products, but not for his tactics.

Perfectly said, I almost bought a LB until I saw his attacks on Alex V1.1 and im glad I saw them since in the end I found the perfect LPM for me and was involved in the process somewhat.....was cool to see the development from prototype to final product
I've been trying to keep quiet but have been following the drama going on the LPM threads and from I have seen, I say he had it coming and he deserved it. It's easy to back track and see the history of what's behind everything in a forum.
I normally agree with Mac- but this time--- not so much.

for a basic thing- his posts in the welcome section make up a majority or close to his post count. they appear good if you read just one- but when they all look like a rubber stamps c'mon. I checked on his posts in the welcome section for single year- multiple that by the number of years he has been here and you will see where quite a few of his posts were placed.

i made a thread in the Welcome section a while back and I too got the same copypasta reply- I asked why that happened as was told it was only a joke.. hmmm not so sure that is an accurate statement. the same smilies are in all of them..

While I have not personally negged I do think i cannot question the reason others have. The day I got 'Lightspeed' I was making graphs -- same when i got Peregrine- you can call me a dumbass but after trying a lot on my own and then needing to ask for help with the Laserbee II I purchased for JETLASERS-- I felt let down.

I wanted to know LB11 well only so I could help JL make graphs... but I had to throw in the towel- I was belittled- and was told that most who buy LBs are windows savvy and never need help- Ok I cant personally dispute that ..

i was also asked if i didn't have a local friend to help me learn.. hmm what can I say-
i did fork over >300$ to a local friend. I do think the LB graphs look better but that means little if i cant make one. I will take the majority of the blame for my ineptness but how i was treated is a different story- who knows maybe I was pretending just to see how good the customer service was after the check was cashed..
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What's that? You need a copy of the LB software for that LPM you bought?

Oh you mean the one that's 14mb and originally came with the laserbee?

That'll be $**** for shipping please. Made payable in canadian dollars via paypal. Don't you dare not convert to canadian currency first!

No of course we don't offer our software for download! What do you think this is 2013?

We're a company on the cutting edge so we SHIP small files on mini discs, and you can pay extra to buy them on overpriced low capacity LB branded USB sticks.
Seems like I was on the luckier side with LB, after all I did buy his most expensive LPM, and then found him a driver for his RS232-USB converter. But just by reading the posts on LPF, I'm inclined and convinced to agree with Arg, Trevor, and the such on this. His products are great, don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy with my LPM (other than the 1mW resolution, but that's OPHIR's problem not Jerry's I think), just not so sure about his tactics.

EDIT: oh and yeah, umm... mini discs holding a few MB of data... :thinking: but the currency conversion I can't blame him for, after all he lives in Canada (or so I am led to believe)
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