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    Richard Henzel's Home Page

    ^^^ that is my younger brother in Oak Park
    find/friend at FBook and you will know where/when he 'performs' next.
    contact him- use me - and he will hook you up..hak
    FOGGY brain!!

    did I ever send you the LUMIA kit I owed you- if not thats kinda good as I now send more stuff and have lowered the price-so let me know ASAP and gmail(at) hakzaw1 your home addy as i have some lumia glass I did not have before so you get those for free-- I have also started another giveaway same as last 2 tickets max per member- only 13 sold (atm 9 are left)
    same prize a new :L PD2 winner pays exact cost to ship- last drawn gets his $50 back by check and second third picked by jamescranmer (winner of the last givewaway) draws get basic HAKLUMIA kits free ship to CONUS all other pay shipping. I am NOT making any profit on this BTW.

    have a kewl yule!!
    congrats on your win!!

    send me your address and make your choice of prizes

    My Lumia kit comes with 1/3 rpm AC motor ,cord, a Hak-bulb lumia glass already mounted to fit the motor a few pieces of flat texture glass. if if my friend is at his shop I will get him to make us all some more mounting pieces-

    the HAK-Spyro kit comes with one pair(& spare) of motorst (low VDC)with crude square-ish FS mirrors glued ( I am completely out of round ones) a wallwart for power.& some spare FS Mirrors. you will need to get your own trim pots and DTDP switches- these allow reverse direction and in the middle-- if you want the coolest spyro ever then knife edge two or more lasers into a tight group and your spyro will be even cooler- just remember that pointer lasers cannot be run too long w/o a rest cycle even if you add additional heatsinking-- hak
    Hey man i'm just wondering are you selling builds on a regular basis ? I would totally be a buyer right now!
    did yopu see my post about whats on the back of the Linna- TWO ilda ports!!- link your REKe to your Linna. No Y splitter is needed.

    suddenly the ones on the list want to send their $$(MOs or checks only)- then another joined- room right now for one more and an alternate in case one bails on me.
    Cant promise any round two either-but glad we waited- as the red modle is now upgraded to 638!!
    Greg has seen my REKE many times & he sayz the Linna is way better in every way- 20K instead id 12k- real dichro mounts- hardly any glue- and it also does extremly interesting Lumia- has port already for E-Stop- no tiny dip switches- LEDS instead( no flashlight needed0- key & switch-& more $510 7 (working)day express delivery- I will send all funds from my bank.. so that costs us each $8 instead of 40$ each.

    sent you a late BDay gift this am-

    one wants a QS/Linna 'bundle' that will be a game changer for him!

    sending you an invite-- join us!!
    Hey dude that host should be there within 2 or 3 business days. I forgot to pay my phone bill so ill shoot you a txt whenever I get around to it lol :beer: the polished v2 looks so damn good thanks for the sneak peek!!!
    Danefex is a really cool guy and very very talented. He treats every laser like it is his own and it seems he is not happy if you are not happy. So get a laser from him so everyone can be happy! :D
    hey buddy anything "made and ready to go"

    always looking for a 1.5 watt+ danefex build.
    Hey man just thought I would say thanks again for the handheld, its working like a champ! I'm still planning on getting some pics and maybe a video or two together for a mini-review, just as soon as I can borrow a ring stand and clamp from work as my camera tripods aren't working out too great for keeping the pointer in place. Great work!
    Your hi res photos of your laser shots are my new background! Thanks alot.
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