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FrozenGate by Avery

Most dangerous laser user I have ever seen!!!

This reminds me of a video I saw a couple years ago. I can't find it anymore. But it was like this frat guy in his dorm room with his room mate listening to loud techno and he was reviewing his new blue laser. He was like, "yeah, if I shine it in my eye it's pretty bright," and he actually pointed it directly into his eye. Everyone was commenting on how stupid he is, but he never posted any replies.

This reminds me of a video I saw a couple years ago. I can't find it anymore. But it was like this frat guy in his dorm room with his room mate listening to loud techno and he was reviewing his new blue laser. He was like, "yeah, if I shine it in my eye it's pretty bright," and he actually pointed it directly into his eye. Everyone was commenting on how stupid he is, but he never posted any replies.

Probably because he wasn't able to see the keyboard ever again!
I think the video I posted a while back definitely might have this guy beat lol. it never seems to amuse me how stupis people can be with these. ill never understand it!!!
It is "just" <150mW, what a moron. Maybe soon to be blind moron. I would not do that with a 2mW for crying out loud. Why take unnecessary chances :/
I did see some pretty stupid kids on yt some time ago, after i watched some of styropyros videos but cant find them anymore.
One was a guy who was probably like 13y old or something, doing a "rewiew" on his new 405nm laser, holding some black tape in one hand and the laser in the other, burning the tape like 20 cm in front of his face... you could even see the reflections hitting his face... I really had to stop watching that idiot burning his eyes out, there were alot of comments on that, though.

And the worst part is that it was 405nm high power, if it was 532nm he probably would have not been able to look at it because of its brightness.
Oh here it is hahahaha
linked in this thread
I was wrong about him actually shining it into his eye, but might as well have
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All I can say about that video is that there are multiples of morons out there in the world that have no clue what that kind of power will due to them. Just goes to show that there are idiots every were
Can anyone give me idea what a Darwin Award should look like. I want to make one for the finalist of this video fest
Can anyone give me idea what a Darwin Award should look like. I want to make one for the finalist of this video fest

Search google for darwin award and then click on images and there are some examples, I am sure you can find a good one.

Oh here it is hahahaha
linked in this thread
I was wrong about him actually shining it into his eye, but might as well have

What a idiot, why the hell would you point a laser into your eye? He waa even getting reflections on his facr because HE WAS SHINING A LASER ONTO A PEN FROM 30CM AWAY!

The idiot with the sunglasses even thinks that wearing them will protect you :twak:

Thats like looking at a solar eclipse with sunglasses, you're gonna still get blinded
