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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

What were they thinking?


Bunch of idiots!

There are so many things wrong with this video.... where do I start?

They can't even get the title right, I don't think they should be handling ANY laser!

That is not a wicked laser product... that looks like a custom job... It may have been produced by a member here...

If I was to sell a 1W laser to anyone I always do a "background" check. Ask them simple information like age, sex, intended use for the laser, do you have adequate eye protection. Then I try to get to know the person and try to decide my self if the buyer in my opinion should be able to handle the laser I am selling. I suggest all other sellers to do this as well, so idiots like this do not end up with a laser.

Does anyone know if these are actually available at Walmart? or are they BS'ing?
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Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze what was that?

He has to be full of shit. No way would Walmart carry this thing and as already said its not an arctic. It does look like its from here or a survival laser. This is not good. That kid WILL be blind in a matter of days if he keeps that stuff up.
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What a idiot they look stoned. Someone needs to flag this vid LIKE NOW
I would if I could.
Welcome to the forum astrrolaser.
You should introduce yourself in the Welcome area.
Haven't seen the video but I'm sure it's very nice.
Check the search bar for quite a bit of information on lasers.:beer:
'twas a joke. Walmart doesn't even carry a decent flashlight. Just the same, someone should mail him an eye patch

...or two.
That's the problem... they are obviously incapable of thinking...

I've always said...
if you look like an idiot... you more than likely are an idiot...

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Flagged, and put a comment on there.



The amount of stupidity is astonishing. Looks like an aurora c6, custom build.
not pointing fingers, and although I never owned one it looks kinda like a survival laser. I was just waiting for him to say "oh ****" and get some in his eye. It looks like he burned a pen and you can see the reflection go right off the glass... into his ojos. I'll call Darwin as soon as possible.
He'd make for a perfect case study on blue light damage.

Unfortunately while extremely stupid, what he did, probably didn't leave him with any damage. Pencil was black, wall was off white. You can see in the video it wasn't focused.

From 2-3 feel the specular reflection off of a black pencil is going to be <5mW. Not safe to stare at, but probably not enough to do any damage.

Kind of unfortunate, I would have loved to see him go "OW $HIT MY EYE!"
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When he said "I point it in my eye all the time"... I cringed cause I thought he was going to turn it on.

It would most probably not be survival lasers, cause all their hosts have the words survival lasers on the side. As far as I can tell the laser has brand naming on it, so it must be a custom job.
Way too many idiots on youtube to keep up. Flagged

Well astrrolaser had a short LPF life, I'm guessing multi-account auto-ban.
