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Most dangerous laser user I have ever seen!!!

There have always been foolish people out there but it seems to be getting worse, what the heck?!? :(
I feel like this should become a sticky for any media outlining how stupid people can be, and just how dangerous these things are when sold as novelty items
wow.. can you guys please report this vid.. this girl is an idiot!!!
the first line represents how i feel on the internet when not on LPF
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There have always been foolish people out there but it seems to be getting worse, what the heck?!? :(

When I was very young I remember learning that the world population was 3 billion, a few years later 3 1/2 billion, then 4, then 5, then in the mid or late 90's it reached 6 billion, and today the world population is over 7 billion. When I was very young we had idiots, I can remember being friends with several of them, but there were fewer of them. Everyone could read and write, do math, play chess, and were mostly well educated.

My theory is that with small populations things are less bureaucratic and more efficient and people can be better educated, less idiocy and less crime and corruption to pollute the environment and cause a lower quality of life.

The increase in the number of idiots is not linear to the increase in population, it is proportional to the square of the increase in population. Heavy use of Aspertame in food and drink, Mercury in the pediatric vaccines, Flouride in the water, and iodine deficiency all add to the problem.

How did a kid get one of these. Granted it was a cheap underspec but still it shouldn't have gotten into her hands. I noticed some Facebook sellers hawking cheap dpps lasers

wow.. can you guys please report this vid.. this girl is an idiot!!!

Wow, just simply wow. This kid is the poster child of who should not have a laser :(

I thought it was a girl too, but it appears to be a boy, his YouTube account is Jack Campbell. Here is a follow up video posted a few days later and only a few days ago. You've got to see this, I suspect his blue laser is under powered because he should be using 2 batteries instead of 1, or he damaged it by inserting the battery the wrong way:

All the blue lasers I have always used two batteries. I tried using one. It will lase but at low power. Glad he did not put the two correct batteries.
All the blue lasers I have always used two batteries. I tried using one. It will lase but at low power. Glad he did not put the two correct batteries.

I think it's a violet laser, Sad to say they do only use 1 battery, I had a cheap one like his.
I watched that video before it was taken down and I have two thoughts:
1.) That kid is very lucky that green pointer was a POS.
2.) The parents are lucky if no one has sicced child protective services on them.
