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Most dangerous laser user I have ever seen!!!

Nov 4, 2014
NW all I can say is OMG who in their right mind gave that IDIOT a laser. I give it a couple days you will prob see him on the news for shining that darn thing at a cop, aircraft, vehicle or some other dumb a$$ stunt. People like that really need to be lobotomized for real! I mean really how frigging stupid can some one be. My two youngest kids know better than that. They know that they need their safety glasses and never to point that laser at a shinny object or something similar. They only have >5 mw but they respect that it can hurt them. Reminds me of USABRO and the drilling the diode stupid. any way sorry with my rant on with the thread

Rant away my brother its quite appropriate and I agree with everything you said. But, apparently I don't know WTF I am talking about when I warned this guy how dangerous what he did is. Here is his response.

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Nov 18, 2014
I asked him to do a few more videos till he blinds himself. Then we'll see who laughs.
Nov 4, 2014
I asked him to do a few more videos till he blinds himself. Then we'll see who laughs.

What's scary about this is how confusing trying to do things in a mirror. Anyone that's tried to cut their own hair or similar tasks know it's hard for the brain to compensate for the opposite.

Speaking of brains considering this fools brain must already be challenged I'd say if he try's this "trick" Anouilh times he will eventually be wearing an eye patch if he's lucky enough to only blind one eye.

Well luckily it's ONLY 150mW. What harm could that cause in a dark room where the pupils are dilated and the human eye acts like a magnifying lens. Hopefully if you really did dare him to try again he thinks twice and doesn't. Many time people talk tough in a defensive stance let's hope my warning maybe did sink in but I doubt it. Maybe we shouldn't be daring him to do this again. Idiot or not I'd hate for someone to lose their most important sense over a dare on social media.


Nov 18, 2014
What's scary about this is how confusing trying to do things in a mirror. Anyone that's tried to cut their own hair or similar tasks know it's hard for the brain to compensate for the opposite.

Speaking of brains considering this fools brain must already be challenged I'd say if he try's this "trick" Anouilh times he will eventually be wearing an eye patch if he's lucky enough to only blind one eye.

Well luckily it's ONLY 150mW. What harm could that cause in a dark room where the pupils are dilated and the human eye acts like a magnifying lens. Hopefully if you really did dare him to try again he thinks twice and doesn't. Many time people talk tough in a defensive stance let's hope my warning maybe did sink in but I doubt it. Maybe we shouldn't be daring him to do this again. Idiot or not I'd hate for someone to lose their most important sense over a dare on social media.

Yeah true that. I doubt he will be posting another video of it though. Let's just hope he stops being a complete idiot.
Aug 16, 2013
What's scary about this is how confusing trying to do things in a mirror. Anyone that's tried to cut their own hair or similar tasks know it's hard for the brain to compensate for the opposite.

Well luckily it's ONLY 150mW.

I agree this is how accidents happen. Mirrors do tricky things.

Reguarding the 150mW statement I think some on here on LPF get complacent with the lower powered lasers. Once you step up to 2, 3 and even 5 watts 150mW doesn't seem like a lot.
Of course I'm not talking about anyone specific just something I see happen.

Someone correct me if I am wrong but isn't 150mW classified by the FDA as class IV or is it IIIB. Either way there is some serious warnings at this power.

Thanks for speaking up to this individual!
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May 14, 2013
500mW and up is class IV, what's scary is the occasional person that comes along here and wants something class IV for their first laser. There's certainly a learning curve with powerful lasers when you first get one. Everyone should start with a <5mW and later get something medium power for awile and then move up to class IV if they want one. I am sure most of you know that anything class IV can also burn you or be a fire hazard when focused, no doubt many of us know that better than we would admit to.

Oh and I always cut my own hair, why waste money when I don't need to, am very good at it now, but then again I no longer have much hair. I do recommend trying it, after a few times you can get good at it and stop throwing away money having your hair cut.

Aug 16, 2013
Ahh, yup thanks pi R squared. I ll remember that. I thought it might be a IIIB but I forgot where it jumped up.
Feb 24, 2014
NW... HMM 150 mw huh. That guy is a absolute imbecile. ten mw can hurt you hmm lets add a factor of 100 to that. He said he looks at the diode when its on by looking down the barrel. OMFG this guy is just to stupid to live lets put him out of his idiotic mind. I can not believe that there are people out there like this oh wait ya I remember USABRo. Moron comes to mind


Nov 18, 2014
NW... HMM 150 mw huh. That guy is a absolute imbecile. ten mw can hurt you hmm lets add a factor of 100 to that. He said he looks at the diode when its on by looking down the barrel. OMFG this guy is just to stupid to live lets put him out of his idiotic mind. I can not believe that there are people out there like this oh wait ya I remember USABRo. Moron comes to mind

Oh that brings back memories. USAbro, seriously one of the biggest idiots I've ever met on a forum.

I believe we have a new USAbro around though. Not sure what his name is, but he likes to quote posts with tons of pictures in it only to say "Is it still for sale" when it has clearly been sold. And that's just one example.
Nov 4, 2014
Oh that brings back memories. USAbro, seriously one of the biggest idiots I've ever met on a forum.

I believe we have a new USAbro around though. Not sure what his name is, but he likes to quote posts with tons of pictures in it only to say "Is it still for sale" when it has clearly been sold. And that's just one example.

Hopefully its not that idiot under a new acct. I think the Admins have a way of detecting that. I don't think I have ever thought so poorly of a minor as that absolute ignorant fool.
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Aug 16, 2013
Towards the end he was pretty bad, picked fights, asked repetitive questions, even made ridiculous statements on the isis thread. But he did build lasers and actually built a working tesla coil with rudimentary supplies. Sooo he wasn't JUST a troll, he learned some here.
With that said I neg rep him once but I sincerely hoped he would have corrected his behavior.
USABRO, ehhh been gone for months and still topic here
Nov 4, 2014
Towards the end he was pretty bad, picked fights, asked repetitive questions, even made ridiculous statements on the isis thread. But he did build lasers and actually built a working tesla coil with rudimentary supplies. Sooo he wasn't JUST a troll, he learned some here.
With that said I neg rep him once but I sincerely hoped he would have corrected his behavior.
USABRO, ehhh been gone for months and still topic here

Lol, well he definitely made an impression. That's a good point DWU, I did respect him for building a tesla coil. Don't think he ever made a laser though did he?
Can't say we didn't try to help him. He was beyond helping and any respect I may have had for the creepy kid as I referred to him as was out weighed by his blatant racism and homophobia. I'm happy everyday I log on he is gone.
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Aug 16, 2013
Lol, well he definitely made an impression. That's a good point DWU, I did respect him for building a tesla coil. Don't think he ever made a laser though did he?
Can't say we didn't try to help him. He was beyond helping and any respect I may have had for the creepy kid as I referred to him as was out weighed by his blatant racism and homophobia. I'm happy everyday I log on he is gone.

A search shows he built at least one DVD laser with an lm317 circuit.
Lots of people tried to help him. And I'm sure if he ever returns under a different user name the people here will be able to spot him by his attitude and behavior.
Dec 9, 2014
Correct me if I'm wrong but he's looking at a phone screen while pointing the laser into the camera via a reflection? While ridiculously stupid because of the proximity to his face, the risk is his outlook and any damage will be to his eyes alone.

I'm all for people making their own judgement calls and letting natural selection take place.
