it will be $25.
The tail caps will probably be pre-installed.
There is a problem with getting switches that can handle the required current. The DX switches have a flaw where all the current has to travel through a tiny spring (which heats up and melts the switch) destroying it.
Dave gave me the link to the "McClicky" switch which can handle the current but is over $6ea!, or $3+ea if i buy 100 of them.
The DX switches CAN be modded by adding a small wire inside the switch for the current to pass through, thus keeping the spring from heating up.
I can't buy the mcclicky switches, even at $3 without losing money. $10 from each kryton goes to Ken's debt, leaving $15 for production, switch, tail cap rubber cover thingie.
When Ken has these made, he paid $35ea for machining alone, so we're on a pretty good track right now price wise.
ugh, i'm rambling.
Short answer: I'll mod a DX switch and install and test it for functionality before shipping. If you'd like to spend the $6 on a McClicky, i'll leave it disassembled for you...
Daguin says these McClicky switches fit perfectly.