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Kryton GB round 3! MULTIPLE HOSTS!

simplysped2 said:
The pocket rocket doesn't hold enough batteries! A pen style host would be great :(

According to who?  One 3v battery will be more than sufficient with a flexdrive.

pwnstar said:
no need to make a pen style host out of aluminum. Just use a led light or a old DX pen case for that. he makes the others out of aluminum for the heat sinking. there isn't enough mass on a pen for this to really be needed. At least not for now. =P

I'm kind of confused about the Kriton Block. Aren't those fins going side to side? or do you mean they are going to go up and down? lol idk im probably reading it wrong.  :o

I think you'd be suprised how much heatsinking would be provided in a pen host from a solid aluminum barrel and head.  Although this host is not for the heatsinking.  It's filling a need I see.  One for a host smaller than a typical pen style host.  it won't be skinnier but shorter.  A lot shorter.  It will literally fit in your pocket and with the recessed button won't accidentally activate.

I've included a picture to indicate how the fins are supposed to go on the block and how it's wrong.  Instead of going from the front to the back of the module it's going from the bottom to the top. Primarily the reason for this is it's extremely hard to manufacture with a lathe and mill a fin set like the front to back. Those are "extruded" typically and are exceedingly cheap to do if you can find an extruder. However, the top to bottom, can be done with a mill.


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I'm definitely groovin' to at least two Grooves. Gotta check to see exactly how many we need. ;)
Kenom said:
[quote author=simplysped2 link=1227146655/0#15 date=1227191709]The pocket rocket doesn't hold enough batteries! A pen style host would be great :(

According to who?  One 3v battery will be more than sufficient with a flexdrive.
I'm working on a driver right now for a single AA/AAA as well.
You can count me in for a "Beast", "Pocket-Rocket" and probably a "Block" as well.
Nice job, I would not change a thing :)
Finally an easy host for C-mounts! I like the pocket rocket too.
I may just try them out.
I'm looking forward to seeing the final products.

Just an idea: I think it would be neat if the pocket rockets could be made to fit o-rings into the tailcap and head. With the simple design, it seems very possible to waterproof one of these.
Just when I get my Groove all up and running you have to pull an Intel on me and come out with a better one! >:(

Put me down for a Beast and I will also consider a few of those blocks. ;)

hahahahaha! The intel of laser hosts eh?? Why can't I be the AMD of laser hosts? You don't honestly expect me to pass off something worse than the groove and actually expect to get continued interest do you? That's why progress keeps going forward, not backwards.
Count me in for at least one of your pocket rockets, maybe more when I learn more about it.

Edit: Put me down for five.
Block(s) + Beast + Pocketer(s) here please... Beast w/ C-mount block.

Ken... these are amazing!

Thank you;
Kenom said:
[quote author=pullbangdead link=1227146655/0#2 date=1227147873]With the small host, let me just make sure I understand what you're saying: you're aiming for a diode pressed into the head, the head screws onto the body, and the body has a side switch and is big enough to incorporate a single AA-size battery and a lavadrive?

Am I reading correctly?

You are correct.  I was aiming for a single AAA sized 10440 battery but I can't find a protected 10440 battery.[/quote]

There are no protected 10440's, that's why i don't like using them. My driver would suck them down to 2V, and damage them after only one use. On a FlexDrive it would stop at 2.4V, but it would still reduce the capacity with every use. They would have to be recharged often, cos due to the way these drivers work, there is no warning, unless you incorporate a protection cct. separatelly or add a low-bat LED.

Maybe you should go for AA size. More capacity and still a good size, just the diameter would be slightly larger. And 1.5V boost drivers would work better of an AA than an AAA.
IgorT said:
You are correct.  I was aiming for a single AAA sized 10440 battery but I can't find a protected 10440 battery.

There are no protected 10440's, that's why i don't like using them. My driver would suck them down to 2V, and damage them after only one use. On a FlexDrive it would stop at 2.4V, but it would still reduce the capacity with every use. They would have to be recharged often, cos there is no warning, unless you incorporate a protection cct separatelly or add a low-bat LED.

Maybe you should go for AA size. More capacity and still a good size, just the diameter would be slightly larger. And 1.5V boost drivers would work better of an AA than an AAA.[/quote]

Exactly why I didn't opt for the AAA sized. Only 1 AA or 14450
Kenom said:
[quote author=IgorT link=1227146655/20#27 date=1227283494]
There are no protected 10440's, that's why i don't like using them. My driver would suck them down to 2V, and damage them after only one use. On a FlexDrive it would stop at 2.4V, but it would still reduce the capacity with every use. They would have to be recharged often, cos there is no warning, unless you incorporate a protection cct separatelly or add a low-bat LED.

Maybe you should go for AA size. More capacity and still a good size, just the diameter would be slightly larger. And 1.5V boost drivers would work better of an AA than an AAA.

Exactly why I didn't opt for the AAA sized.  Only 1 AA or 14450[/quote]

Oh, did i miss that part? :)

In that case, i'd like some pocket barrels too.. ;)
