Hey Kipkay!
I and others really appreciate the fact that you are indeed listening, and taking
steps to better promote laser safety.
I guess you probably couldn't care less about some 500-1000 laser freaks on this forum,
when you have such a huge youtube audience.
The fact that you DO come back here every now and then, when you are being bashed
by some of the members here, suggests otherwise though.
So, if you care about the red bars under your name here, I'd say, listen to Eudaimonium, and then:
Do I have to spell it out?
I'm pretty sure if you would actually pull off a short video dedicated exclusively to laser safety,
it would rain green forum points all over you!
Because you have such a huge audience, maybe such a video of yours would stop another asshole or two
from flashing a plane, helicopter, football player, etc....
Wouldn't that be a WIN-WIN-WIN?