That video is NOT a laser video. It's about luggage security! The "lost laser" portion was part of the 'storyline'. Yea I clicked it twice, so what?
While the main point of the video wasn't lasers, not one but two lasers played a large role in the video. As a result THIS IS a laser video.
I would dare to say that the majority of "famous" laser hobbyists here never say anything about safety or show them wearing goggles in their videos, yet due to my YouTube success I take the brunt of criticism? Hypocrisy?
You said it yourself...
your youtube success does create a double standard. Look I'm all for freedom of expression, as far as I'm concerned you do have a right to say and show absolutely anything. The only problem is you also have to consider being a Role Model.
I know it's not fair. It is hypocrisy, I agree. Unfortunately it is the price of being popular.
I was wearing them. Again, this is NOT a video about lasers.
How is anyone supposed to know what you are, or aren't wearing?!?! You don't show your face.:thinking:
Actually if you did show your face/yourself wearing safety goggles, that would be VERY VERY good imo.
Does every video, TV, commercial or movie where there are cars show the person buckling up and explaining how important using seatbelts are? Far more people are killed or maimed everyday for not wearing seatbelts then people blinded by lasers.
Again it depends entirely on your audience... yours is not made up of enthusiasts, but rather amateurs/general public. Car commercials actually do usually say that the stunts are done by professionals on a closed track.
Hypocrisy on LPF - No mention of laser safety or ear protection - Green lasers clearly hitting the camera operator. Was he wearing goggles? Was the crowd given goggles for stray laser reflection? Does anyone condemn the video producer? - No mention of laser safety and no comments about it. - Was the producer of the video wearing goggles? At the end, a 5 second scroll with a minor mention of safety followed by a joke graphic about losing an eye to lasers. - No mention of laser safety. Does anyone condemn the video producer?
YouTube - styropyro's Channel Famous LPF member's YouTube channel. No mention of laser safety in his video that has 900,000+ views. Does anyone condemn the video producer?
Flip top laser lighter on Vimeo
My favorite one is ROG's video of his flip top lighter where he actually burns himself and never mentions safety or whether or not he was wearing goggles.
Again, they are playing to a different audience. Your channel/videos reach out to AMATEURS with ZERO prior knowledge. Even Stryropro doesn't have anywhere near the number of views you do. Although I do agree that he should mention safety as well.
I can go on and on but I think you get the point. No one has to like me, watch my videos or give me a second thought.
I have added warnings to my videos based on the recommendations here. If anyone here decides to make a video, I will never tell them how to produce it, what to say or not say. They are the creators of their content and have the right to do as they wish.
Not arguing at all with your RIGHT to say/show whatever you want. I do however think that you have a moral obligation to try to do more to promote laser safety.
The reason why everyone is so up at arms over your videos is that most people are concerned about what happens when some idiot kid blinds himself and his classmates in school. Note I said IDIOT kid. There is always a back lash and it can very easily affect people who enjoy this hobby.
I'm not gonna claim the moral high ground here. If some dumb@$$ blinds himself I really don't care. I might feel bad for him for a few minutes, but ultimately I don't truly care. Neither do most people, although I don't know how many would come out and say it.
What I do care about is lasers suddenly falling into the same category as fire arms. If that happens, it will be bad for you, for me and for everyone who enjoys this rather niche hobby.
My $0.02