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FrozenGate by Avery

Kipkay 2W ?

I appreciate your comments! Keep in mind the Laser Flashlight Hack was the very first laser video I ever did! My thought was that if anyone could pull that project off, from a video that is less than 2 minutes long, they would have the mental ability to understand the dangers of lasers. You know as well as I do that extracting a laser diode from a DVD drive is no easy task and certainly not one that a child could accomplish. I have learned alot since that video.
im a child an i could acomplish it ... i did it a while ago i just never turned it into a working laser
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Kipkay: Now that I think of it... you may be right. You didn't say anything about how to get the strong diode in or how to focus it. Also, many DVD drives have some sort of plastic square diode, not the one that fits in Aixiz.

Mentioning laser goggles and the OD rating system would be great too.
That video is NOT a laser video. It's about luggage security! The "lost laser" portion was part of the 'storyline'. Yea I clicked it twice, so what?

While the main point of the video wasn't lasers, not one but two lasers played a large role in the video. As a result THIS IS a laser video.

I would dare to say that the majority of "famous" laser hobbyists here never say anything about safety or show them wearing goggles in their videos, yet due to my YouTube success I take the brunt of criticism? Hypocrisy?

You said it yourself... your youtube success does create a double standard. Look I'm all for freedom of expression, as far as I'm concerned you do have a right to say and show absolutely anything. The only problem is you also have to consider being a Role Model.

I know it's not fair. It is hypocrisy, I agree. Unfortunately it is the price of being popular.

I was wearing them. Again, this is NOT a video about lasers.

How is anyone supposed to know what you are, or aren't wearing?!?! You don't show your face.:thinking:

Actually if you did show your face/yourself wearing safety goggles, that would be VERY VERY good imo.

Does every video, TV, commercial or movie where there are cars show the person buckling up and explaining how important using seatbelts are? Far more people are killed or maimed everyday for not wearing seatbelts then people blinded by lasers.

Again it depends entirely on your audience... yours is not made up of enthusiasts, but rather amateurs/general public. Car commercials actually do usually say that the stunts are done by professionals on a closed track.

Hypocrisy on LPF
http://laserpointerforums.com/f48/easter-lasershow-video-62962.html - No mention of laser safety or ear protection - Green lasers clearly hitting the camera operator. Was he wearing goggles? Was the crowd given goggles for stray laser reflection? Does anyone condemn the video producer?

http://laserpointerforums.com/f48/1-5w-445nm-laser-burning-things-57030.html - No mention of laser safety and no comments about it.

http://laserpointerforums.com/f48/quick-video-40w-co2-laser-62631.html - Was the producer of the video wearing goggles? At the end, a 5 second scroll with a minor mention of safety followed by a joke graphic about losing an eye to lasers.

http://laserpointerforums.com/f48/popping-balloon-inside-another-balloon-62451.html - No mention of laser safety. Does anyone condemn the video producer?

YouTube - styropyro's Channel Famous LPF member's YouTube channel. No mention of laser safety in his video that has 900,000+ views. Does anyone condemn the video producer?

Flip top laser lighter on Vimeo
My favorite one is ROG's video of his flip top lighter where he actually burns himself and never mentions safety or whether or not he was wearing goggles.

Again, they are playing to a different audience. Your channel/videos reach out to AMATEURS with ZERO prior knowledge. Even Stryropro doesn't have anywhere near the number of views you do. Although I do agree that he should mention safety as well.

I can go on and on but I think you get the point. No one has to like me, watch my videos or give me a second thought.

I have added warnings to my videos based on the recommendations here. If anyone here decides to make a video, I will never tell them how to produce it, what to say or not say. They are the creators of their content and have the right to do as they wish.

Not arguing at all with your RIGHT to say/show whatever you want. I do however think that you have a moral obligation to try to do more to promote laser safety.

The reason why everyone is so up at arms over your videos is that most people are concerned about what happens when some idiot kid blinds himself and his classmates in school. Note I said IDIOT kid. There is always a back lash and it can very easily affect people who enjoy this hobby.

I'm not gonna claim the moral high ground here. If some dumb@$$ blinds himself I really don't care. I might feel bad for him for a few minutes, but ultimately I don't truly care. Neither do most people, although I don't know how many would come out and say it.

What I do care about is lasers suddenly falling into the same category as fire arms. If that happens, it will be bad for you, for me and for everyone who enjoys this rather niche hobby.

My $0.02
I believe that, in all honesty -

One video dedicated explicitly to dangers and safety of lasers and laser usage, would pretty much give you a ... "fresh start" I'd say.

We were all once noobs. Put that behind us.

I would be the first to PM moderators and asking for collective decision to reset your reputation back to zero.

Make it worth while, worth watching. Practical demonstrations : "This laser pops a balloon just like *this*. So you bet it has no trouble popping eyeballs! These are laser safety glasses. This is what happens when you shine a laser through them!",

Simply going with mathematical formulas about maximum permittable exposure and power densities would make people click "back".

So here's an idea.

How does it sound to everybody?
I believe that, in all honesty -

One video dedicated explicitly to dangers and safety of lasers and laser usage, would pretty much give you a ... "fresh start" I'd say.

We were all once noobs. Put that behind us.

I would be the first to PM moderators and asking for collective decision to reset your reputation back to zero.

Make it worth while, worth watching. Practical demonstrations : "This laser pops a balloon just like *this*. So you bet it has no trouble popping eyeballs! These are laser safety glasses. This is what happens when you shine a laser through them!",

Simply going with mathematical formulas about maximum permittable exposure and power densities would make people click "back".

So here's an idea.

How does it sound to everybody?
i agree make a poll and send the results to the moderators
Simply going with mathematical formulas about maximum permittable exposure and power densities would make people click "back".

So here's an idea.

How does it sound to everybody?

Open the poll and let´s see what happen :evil:
Yes, let's open the poll.

There's quite a discussion over at IRC channels.
I'm proposing a logically best solution to the problem we unofficially have at hands.

Kipkay corrects for his past mistakes with a new, well made video. We act accordingly and reset his reputation power back to zero.

Ending this drama and sh*tstorm in double-win situation, or triple win if you count the audience, or million-win if you count all the pairs of eye-balls saved from possible dangers.

So how does everybody think? Would some of the moderators open up a public poll?

Options :
-Have Kipkay make video, and if he does, reset rep and end the drama
-Do nothing, have Kipkay 10 red bars under his name, continue to hate him

Now, people are driven with emotions instead of logic.
I urge you all to see my logic.

Yes he will make profit of somebody else's idea.
That idea is solely mine as for the moment and I have no problem with that.
As for him making or not making a profit, why don't you all ask yourselves what's it to your all lives? Apsolutely nothing. Except that in this case, some drama and hostility is brought to an end in this forum.

Now, I do not in any way care for Kipkay in specifically nor do I even remotely like him.
I do however, care for this forum and I'm trying to act in most logical way to get the best out of this situation for both sides.

Problem is that people have a problem with Kipkay's side also having benefits from this resolution I'm offering.

Yet again, I urge you to see the problem through logic instead of personal grudges and pointless hatred-driven debates.
Don't erase his rep, you don't erase history! As you might already know, him stealing other peoples work for his own benefit is unforgettable. It's great that you care about the safety issue (truly admirable), and try to get it fixed, but it wont make up for his crimes. The rep stays IMO. And *I* don't want to help him in any way.
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So what is in for him to actually listen to our (mine) advice, and have it all end as I have imagines it to, ending the drama and all the pointless insulting, trashing threads and general sh*tstorm?

No you cannot erase history. But having it there in a big flashy neon sign flashing in everybody's eyes is not exactly doing much good to change it either.

If it not for an option to fix his reputation, he has no interest in listening to us.

What other way do you reccomend to do this, then?

Yet again, I'm proposing the most logical solution to problems here.
Not going to do it for the sake of not doing it does not bring back ideas to people stolen from nor does it actually do anything.

Doing it my proposed way helps at least to some degree (for us and him at least, and a LOT to general audience of his videos).
Doing nothing as you and Proto suggest does not help at all.

It's a bit of a conundrum...

I feel like doing nothing, he does not deserve my piece of advice or anyone else's, not even yours. At this point that is my ideal. He could follow your advice, but he does not deserve the award, he practically owes this to us and himself. But we can argue for ever and I don't know how best to put this, and I don't want to argue.
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*sigh* I was bullied into putting something more appropriate in here, so rather than ruin my last post with all this serious stuff i decided to double post. Apologies!

This safety video seems like a good idea to me. Time for a bigger confession than Mohrenberg's one... I'm subscribed to Kipkay. I like having that subscription (not because i actually build the things, but because watching someone else build something often sparks off ideas for stuff i can build) but i dread the release of the laser videos.

Kipkay, go along with Eudaimonium and make this laser safety video. Give a more invasive (for lack of a better word) warning into laser safety that can't be skipped as easily or ignored. Give figures and show goggles, maybe multiple times. And instead of just saying "always wear goggles" say "always wear goggles as surfaces you normally wouldn't think of as reflective can send enough light into your eye to leave you with injuries" thus leaving nothing to the imagination. When given a warning, the first thing a person thinks is "what happens if this is defied?" and if it's not stated people get curious.

There are other issues here though. Firstly, Kipkay, state where you are obtaining your inspiration. The lighter laser burner idea originated from Rog's build of a non-cheapy lighter laser burner. Also, (and here's what does it for me) when you're not using a driver, warn people that that has the potential to be dangerous (although you admit to not having known back then, and i appreciate that, but in which case say something in the description about the potential to damage your laser). The video which causes most trouble for me is the pot-modding of the Wicked Core. You didn't issue any form of warning there about potential damage to the laser MODULE from increasing current flowing to it and when I said in comments that it'll result in the laser dying you replied with "Not true with 532nm diodes" which is nonsense for a huge variety of reasons. There you were either misinformed, or you were trying to mislead. Either way, that's not good. You also don't talk about the importance of use of a heatsink or duty cycles.

Guys, i say after the creation of this video (and on the understanding that there'll be more invasive warnings, citing of sources, and expressing the risk of damage to diodes when it is relevant) we quit this anti-Kipkay rampage that we've been on for the past couple of years. It's very easy to get stuck in a particular way and be unwilling to change it and forget the reason you're behaving in that way, and that's what seems to have happened here to a certain extent.
in my best PeeWee Herman voice...."I say we let him go" If the Kipster wants redemption let him make the first move with an 'All about Laser Safety and Possible Dangers' vid- his subscriptions alone would assure many lookers/ IMHO
Kipkay Your target audience is mostly the testosterone crazed, bored, sub adult males, and You owe it to Them to try an implant some sense of Safety. They won't be doing any home work on Lasers UNTIL the build fails and then wondering why seek out sources of information which will also include proper safety precautions. Of course if They managed to get the Laser to work for even a few seconds the damage could well already be done.

My Take on This
