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Is LPF growing too big for it's own good?

Has LPF grown too fast for it's own good?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • Couldn't care less

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • No

    Votes: 26 61.9%

  • Total voters
hey guys, regarding the banning, if anyone finds something blatantly horrible just email me the link to the thread, and if its bad or other members agree i can ban the person

i admit i tend to be lenient and give 2nd chances but if someone fails 3 times after being warned 2 previous times i can ban them. or ban the 1st time if it is something glaringly awful lol


lol yeah he did get a few extra
Thats probably true EF. I am thinking that Mohrenberg is right, eventually people will be bored with the hobby and there will only be a few die hards left that will continue building.
^Many of them will get bored, yes. Then you are right: What you have left is the ones who really enjoy the hobby and care about it. But the cycle never ends.. As people go, more people come and so on and so forth so that the overall effect becomes that of a snowball. That's where we're at right now. That's what will continue happening as time goes by. There are always die hard veterans with heaps of experience, and there are more developing as we speak. All those minds can't help but produce innovation, which helps not only our hobby but also has the potential to help the field of lasers in general.

The extra people constitute people with a passing interest in lasers. Just because one has a passing interest doesn't mean they don't have the potential to contribute in a very real way also. These "passing interest" folks also help tilt the laws of supply and demand in our favor. Everyone has their place, and the overall trends are hardly discouraging IMO.. Just because conversation in general is at a slightly unexciting point now doesn't mean that's how it will remain.
Well I'm new here, and a noob. I like the mix of the experienced and the inexperienced members. If you were all highly experienced, then it would be too intimidating to even dare ask a noobish question.

I was lurking here months before I even joined. From my understanding The issue with the FDA. Was that even proven. wasn't their some doubt that the letter may have been a fake. Or it had something to do with a jealous member?

Their are a ton of youtube videos, involving lasers. Many of them are from here. In fact that is how I learned about this forum. This forum is also mentioned many times on Candlepower forums and in the dealxtreame review section.

Some good?
More active members, means more revenue for LPF. The sight can generate more from add space. LPF can have extra stuff like a shout-box. Or move to biger and faster host if needed

To many noobs
I'm sure it just fluctuates. Right now you have a huge influx in cheap Chines lasers. At the same time, the FDA has pushed paypal to be more strict with laser laws. Thats why Dealxtreme and ebay, + others. Will no longer sell lasers to us noobs
Plus blu-ray lasers are becoming the hot little gadget to have.

You could always have a required post count to post in threads. Such as a 15 post minimum. To gain access to the buy, sell or trade section?

Things change. Just like LPF has grown. It may see a huge decrease in active membership down the road.
^Many of them will get bored, yes. Then you are right: What you have left is the ones who really enjoy the hobby and care about it. But the cycle never ends.. As people go, more people come and so on and so forth so that the overall effect becomes that of a snowball. That's where we're at right now. That's what will continue happening as time goes by. There are always die hard veterans with heaps of experience, and there are more developing as we speak. All those minds can't help but produce innovation, which helps not only our hobby but also has the potential to help the field of lasers in general.

The extra people constitute people with a passing interest in lasers. Just because one has a passing interest doesn't mean they don't have the potential to contribute in a very real way also. These "passing interest" folks also help tilt the laws of supply and demand in our favor. Everyone has their place, and the overall trends are hardly discouraging IMO.. Just because conversation in general is at a slightly unexciting point now doesn't mean that's how it will remain.

Well said! :beer:
The only thing that stays the same is change, for better or worse that is the constant in our lives so wheather you like it or not it's going to happen so be ready for it. how are you going to feel when we quadrouple here will you shoot your self in the head LOL this kinda thing happens all the time, chill !!! take the advice of EF post #8 he's on the mark !!!

Peace All...

In light of the recent tread "Headed for 2k online" and with the FDA cracking down on LPF members in the past, I'm starting to worry for the future of the laser hobby(Down in the US at least). As much as I would like to see this hobby expand and grow, I am worried that it's getting "too big" and attracting too much attention. A lot of things have changed since I joined, a ton of really good reputable members simply disappeared. Not too long ago there was an influx of annoying lazy noobs could post more in one week than I can in 6 months. I even dropped off the boards for 2-3 months and coming back, not much has changed. This simply isn't the LPF I knew/know it to be.

Sorry for rambling on and on; I suppose the frustration is starting to show...

What are your thoughts on this?
