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Got booted from ebay, What do I do now?

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You say in like 5 posts that you can prove it. (would i be breaking forum rules if i said he is full of shit?)

ps. one more post and you can put pix hee-hee!

post edit* if you don't care what we think then stop posting. Cuz i for one can play this all day. and close us down for what? being the most loyal bunch of people i have ever seen online before? UGH! I need a picnic to clear my head...
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Hey Matt....

Maybe we are all the things you seem to think we are...
but one thing has been proven by you when you quoted.....

This is my final post.
You are a LIAR...........

You're back here still insulting the Forum and it's members..
No one will believe a proven liar.........

We now know for a certainty that anything you have to say
or have said are most likely lies...

I see you're still...:horse:

Fission please stop the harassment. What would happen if people started ganging up on you and reporting your ebay items? I mean reporting everything I'm selling for: Keyword spamming, hazardous items, Illegal items, and other stuff come on. All you will succeed in doing is getting ebay to outright ban laser equipment, do you really want that?
Having never done business with either of these people, and judging solely on the posts I've read here and elsewhere I can say with a reasonable level of confidence that Matt is an ignorant, arrogant, and immature asshole.

Apart from that, it is hard to tell what has truly transpired, as the parties involved may not know everything themselves.
one good thing came i guess. chris has a lot of e-aquaintances who have his e-back, LoL
... Sorry guys, I was in the toilet. Did I miss something? I heard some guy shouting. Has he gone yet?

Lets remember one thing: CHRIS got bitch slapped by ebay and NOT me! So there! Hmm....I wonder why he got booted for a week? If you really think its because I "tricked" ebay, then you are a true idiot.

Chris: YOU want to talk about harrassment? These shits here may have your back, but you and me both know what REALLY happened. YOU know Chris! :-) And yes, I will do all I can to make sure you are held responsible for every little nano action you make. If you fart, I will make sure its noted to ebay.

You better make damn sure you are selling legal items and doing so according to ebay's rules. I will sit here and make your ebay life a living hell until you tell these turds what you really did. So whats it going to be? Your business or your pride? Ones going to be given to me. Which one Chris?

Either fess up, or spend hours making sure your auctions are perfect. Oh, by the way Chris. Your FREE shipping better include some good tracking and PROOF of delivery from now on! You will be tested by others :-D

All you turds here will soon know the truth. Just you wait and see. Chris knows the truth, and I know the truth. We will see how clever Chris really is.

Tell the truth Chris. TELL THE TRUTH CHRIS or I will do everything in my power to LEGALLY SLAM YOUR ASS! Better not sell any more tritium Chris. Better be real careful what you sell! Better be careful how you ship things!

Whats worth more? Your pride, or your business? I have little more to do than sit here in my free time and look over all your auctions, reporting anything I feel violates ebay's rules. Other venues my ass. You and me both know youll never leave ebay until they leave you!

Fess up or else...

turds, farts, slamming ass? are you talking about making a german skat film? this is a laser forum not a homo-erotic forum!
Oh and Chris: How would I feel if yada yada yada? How do you think I feel Chris after all the crap you KNOW you did to me? I want to know Chris. I know you know the truth. You know what youve done to me and you know what Ive done to you. It doesnt matter if the people here call me a liar, or believe me. They will believe you.

So how would YOU feel Chris if someone did to you ALL that youve done to me? DONT YOU EVER use that line on me again you idiot fool! How dare you?

Fess up or else...FESS up and all this will go away! I dont want money or lasers. I want you, Chris, you fess up. You tell them what you did and what happend and I will leave you alone and your ebay business alone.

Chris? I want to hear from you soon...
Lets remember one thing: CHRIS got bitch slapped by ebay and NOT me! So there! Hmm....I wonder why he got booted for a week? If you really think its because I "tricked" ebay, then you are a true idiot.

Chris: YOU want to talk about harrassment? These shits here may have your back, but you and me both know what REALLY happened. YOU know Chris! :-) And yes, I will do all I can to make sure you are held responsible for every little nano action you make. If you fart, I will make sure its noted to ebay.

You better make damn sure you are selling legal items and doing so according to ebay's rules. I will sit here and make your ebay life a living hell until you tell these turds what you really did. So whats it going to be? Your business or your pride? Ones going to be given to me. Which one Chris?

Either fess up, or spend hours making sure your auctions are perfect. Oh, by the way Chris. Your FREE shipping better include some good tracking and PROOF of delivery from now on! You will be tested by others :-D

All you turds here will soon know the truth. Just you wait and see. Chris knows the truth, and I know the truth. We will see how clever Chris really is.

Tell the truth Chris. TELL THE TRUTH CHRIS or I will do everything in my power to LEGALLY SLAM YOUR ASS! Better not sell any more tritium Chris. Better be real careful what you sell! Better be careful how you ship things!

Whats worth more? Your pride, or your business? I have little more to do than sit here in my free time and look over all your auctions, reporting anything I feel violates ebay's rules. Other venues my ass. You and me both know youll never leave ebay until they leave you!

Fess up or else...


If that's true, then it sucks to be you...

Re: IV%P10056 Publishing Contact Information [L33 US 100881T A97 100880B MC012 ?01 -01 ] (KMM321171008V44113L0KM) Received: May-05-09
From: eBay Customer Support Expires: Jun-04-09
Dear fission236,

Thank you for writing to eBay regarding another member publishing your
contact information.

We've investigated your report about heruursciences, and we've taken
appropriate action. Depending on the circumstances, this could range
from a warning to closing the member's account.

For privacy reasons, we can't discuss the details of our investigation
with you. I hope this assures you that your account history will also
remain private.

It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing eBay.


eBay Customer Support
Trust and Safety Operations

Original Message Follows:

Form Message: %43343% 092904
Subject: IV%P10056 Publishing Contact Information [L33 US 100881T A97
100880B MC012 ?01 -01 ]
User Feedback: 330
User State: ?01
Browser info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1;
Trident/4.0; Comcast Install 1.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Creative ZENcast
v1.02.10; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; customie8)
Home > Help > Membership & account > Rules & policies >
Publishing contact information > Publishing Contact Information;
Reporter's email address: mrg02d@gmail.com
User ID/email address of member being reported: heruursciences 6816
!44463! 020300
Location of content: http://www.photonlexicon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5292&page=4
Concern: "May it be duly noted that I may be suing the following people
for libel and slander:
Originally listed another person's name and address here.

Subject: Re: SH%X00003 Feedback Abuse [A97 #US L33 US 100881T 100880B ?01 -01 ] (KMM321431692V89320L0KM) Received: May-02-09
From: eBay Customer Support Expires: Jun-01-09
Dear Matt,

Thank you for writing eBay in regard to the negative feedback that you

After reviewing your request, we found that the Feedback met the
requirements for removal under our Feedback Removal Policy and have
removed it.

Due to system updating, your Feedback score may not reflect this removal
for 24 hours.

To learn more about our Feedback Removal Policy, go to:


I understand your frustration regarding this matter and apologize for
the inconvenience it caused you.

Duke B.

eBay Customer Support
Trust and Safety Operations

Original Message Follows:

Form Message: %43343% 092904
Subject: SH%X00003 Feedback Abuse [A97 #US L33 US 100881T 100880B ?01
-01 ]
User Feedback: 332
User State: ?01
Browser info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1;
Trident/4.0; Comcast Install 1.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Creative ZENcast
v1.02.10; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; customie8)
Home > Help > Report a problem > Feedback Abuse;
Reporting member: fission236 332Member being reported: fission236 332
User ID of member who left comment: heruursciences 6833 !44463!
Item number:
180343414467 $US
Reason for removal: I used a dispute resolution service
Customer concern: He bought this so he could leave a negative against me
because I left two negatives for him AND won a paypal claim against him.
I asked him to agree to my unpaid item dispute and CANCEL the sale. He
AGREED and RESPONDED and item was closed. Look at what he wrote as the
feedback. How could I refuse the sale if he AGREED not to buy it?!


Dear fission236,
Thank you for contacting us to appeal against the Unpaid Item strike you received for HIGH POWER IR 980nm BURNING LASER DIODE 7 WATT TO-3(250402546044).

After reviewing your information, we have removed the Unpaid Item strike from your account.

Note: Repeat Unpaid Item strikes will result in account suspension. Read more

See case details
Details for item number: 250402546044
Item URL: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250402546044
End date: Monday, Apr 06, 2009 09:12:14 PDT
Quantity: 1
Case URL: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewDisputeConsole&DisputeType=1
Date case was opened: Friday, Apr 24, 2009 15:38:04 PDT

Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at:

This eBay notice was sent to mrg02d@gmail.com from eBay. Your account is registered on www.ebay.com. As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will send you required notifications about the site and your transactions. If you would like to receive this email in text format, change your notification preferences.

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eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of eBay, Inc.
eBay is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.

Guys want some more?
Hmm, we'll get together and discuss it. :gh:

Ok, we talked about it, and we decided you're just going to do whatever the heck you want to do anyway, regardless of what you or anyone else has said previously, so why even ask? So we'll just be sitting here watching, and maybe even laughing whenever appropriate. :pop:
No, I will drop everything if Chris comes forward and tells the truth about what he did to me. I will leave his auctions alone.

If he has nothing to hide, then why doesnt he come forth and speak? Lets see what he has to say...

What say you, Chris? I know you know the truth...

Requesting a moderator close and lock this thread because it may need to be used as evidence at civil hearing. I agree to hold Laser pointer forums and it's members EXCEPT Matt Gibson user ID fission236 harmless from any and all liability. Thank you.
Blah... Blah... Blah... Lies.... Lies.... Lies.... Blah... Blah... Blah...

Blah... Blah... Blah... Lies.... Lies.... Lies.... Blah... Blah... Blah...

Blah... Blah... Blah... Lies.... Lies.... Lies.... Blah... Blah... Blah...

Blah... Blah... Blah... Lies.... Lies.... Lies.... Blah... Blah... Blah...

Guys want some more?
You have already proven to us that you are a LIAR...

Therefore anything you post anywhere is most likely a lie and can not be believed...


Why are you still here... You are a liar... Nobody believes you...Nobody likes you..
You are an outcast... We don't care.......... Still don't get it...:eek::cryyy:
Go peddle your lies somewhere else... Your reputation here speaks for

Aren't you getting a headache..... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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