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Got booted from ebay, What do I do now?

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Wow lol what a crock of shit. Why don't you go post a link to your sale thread here so they can see hundreds of items you've sent to people here :P and make this guy look like a total douche.

heruursciences said:
There are two sides to every story. This guy said the items were never received despite being able to prove they were delivered, he then threatened me with negative feedback if i did not send him another item and refund his money also, and stated he has "big man's people" backing him.  I refunded his money,with paypal since 100.00 isn't wort a negative feedback with ebay's currnt rules.

He wouldn't let it go, he even accused me of sending it to my friends on my feedback profile at which point I put him on my wall of shame for harassment, libel, and blackmail.  At this point he got very ugly saying he was untouchable and has friends that will back him.  See his last post in alt.lasers to see what kind of guy this person is.

Who is "big man"? This sounds like a group of children who think they are real criminals. Karma is a bitch and sooner or later it will catch up. I haven't seen your posts but from those who vouch for you here I have no doubt those who did this to you are scum and cowards.
I was going to suggest that you just wait a little while, and then sign up again with Ebay with a new user ID, profile, etc. I know a lady who got her account suspended and she did just that - but she isn't well known like you are. Unfortunately, people who are out to get you are going to probably find you, simply because of the sort of stuff you sell, no matter how well you change your new profile and username.

But it might be worth a shot - the worst that could happen is you kicked off Ebay twice. You could, if you have a new account, block these enemies of yours so they can't bid on any of your stuff. You can block anyone you want to for any reason or no reason at all. But of course you'd have to pick a user name that has nothing to do or sounds anything like your favorite handle.

If it was me, that's probably what I'd do - and in the mean time be looking for other venues to sell my stuff just in case. IMO I'd be real careful with Craigslist - I've sold stuff there and have had scammers send me bad checks - luckily I never sent them anything so I didn't lose anything, but it sure was a waste of time dealing with them.
What I don't get is the motive? Why the heck would you cheat a guy out of a measly $100? Why not do it on bigger purchases? Why have so many ebay transactions go perfectly, worth thousands of dollars, and then suddenly try to scam $100?

There's ZERO motive to scam $100 off of somebody when the accused is a person that does hundreds or thousands of sales worth many thousands of dollars, zero motive what-so-ever.
It gives me a bit of pause to sell on ebay again anytime soon (hence the poll) If one person, who is a rival seller with sour grapes, can get you booted, I think ebay doesn't want it's sellers. :-/

I'd happily take my $40+K of ebay fees and spend it on another more productive venture and take my thousands of customers to greener pastures :-?
Chris... Did you make money on eBay.... :-? Was it worthwhile... :-?

Speaking for myself... if the answers are yes...

I would suck it up... and try my utmost to get back on the eBay wagon...
if it puts bread on the table.. 8-)

Like Schrecken_Licht posted... you can Block any eBay member at any time
for any reason... you don't even need to have had a transaction with them.

Just my $0.02.... 8-)

I know you sold quite a lot on ebay.. consider making a store and then sign on ebay again for a while, have your store name the seller name so that people get familiar with your store. That way if ebay shutters your account you still have a well known outlet.
This whole thing makes no sense.

Why would heru randomly try to scam this guy out of $100 after thousands of smooth transactions?

Why would the other guy who also has a high feedback suddenly be out to get heru?

The only legit explanation is that the package got stolen from the guys doorstep after it was delivered and the guy naturally assumed that he got scammed.

Alternatively the other guy might have been a rival seller who wanted the competition gone.
We seem to know Chris...
but who is this other guy... what is his eBay username.... :-?

I'd create another ebay account and move past this. Ignore any antics by this individual and move on. We can't control other peoples actions we can only control our own. I would NOT make an account with a name anywhere close to Heruursciences though. Yes you've built a customer base but lava has a valid idea in making a store front that is well known and if/when ebay kills that account you can easily have customers still getting product from a homepage.
your items on ebay were the first laser stuff I've ever seen, you should try to get your ebay name back, and if that doesn't work make your own site and sell off there.

heruursciences said:
If you were in my shoes, what would you do? :-?

I would follow pseudolobster's advice. Go to Customer Service and work your way up.

Also, what is the guy's Ebay username?
I feel for you, i hate when people try doing stuff like this and u get blamed for it... I really hope that you can get this cleared up.

side note:
My superintendents name is Matt Gibson. I don't live in florida so i don't think its the same one.
You know, the issue here isn't the malicious bidding. It is the fact that you decided to post private information on a public forum. More then once.
You know, the issue here isn't the malicious bidding. It is the fact that you decided to post private information on a public forum. More then once.
Hey Ben... I'm not taking sides... but I know you've had issues with Chris before...

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