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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Get this one....1500mW

It's a 445 in a cheap knockoff host so price for the site is high.

1500mW probably not. Solid state laser pumping :sigh:

Never ever buy anything from a website called goodluck buy...
yea, "good luck if you buy" is more like it.
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Heck if I had the time and money I would buy it. Then file a claim for false advertisement thru paypal or my CC. Then get my money back and a free laser. Teach scammers what it feels like to be conned....
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Heck if I had the time and money I would buy it. Then file a claim for false advertisement thru paypal or my CC. Then get my money back and a free laser. Teach scammers what it feels like to be conned....

Scam the scammer, huh? Ever hear two wrongs dont make a right?

And there is no "false advertising" claim. All they have to do is prove they sent you a package.
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Scam the scammer, huh? Ever hear two wrongs dont make a right?

And there is no "false advertising" claim. All they have to do is prove they sent you a package.

I could care less about being right when it comes to scammers. They deserve it. If all they have to do is prove they sent you a package then why would they need to even ship a laser at all? They have to ship you what they say. If they say its a green and you get a blue, they lied. you can get your money back, plain and simple.

As for what you say about not getting money back..Guess i got lucky when i got my money? Ordered a laser on ebay they claimed had a lock, was blue 445nm 200mW, could adjust the lens, etc. It came with none of those, was actually a 405nm. Filed a claim thru paypal saying what i got was not what i ordered. Got my money back in a month. If you buy a green laser and they ship you a blue one they lied.

I prefer the old saying, "An eye for a eye".
The saying " 2 wrongs doesn't make a right" Is overrated and with how much people try to scam you its useless. You ever think when they get a taste of their own medicine they actually stop? I collect a lot of designer vinyl, scammers are a part of my life. Never will i treat them like a decent human.
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I could care less about being right when it comes to scammers. They deserve it. If all they have to do is prove they sent you a package then why would they need to even ship a laser at all? They have to ship you what they say. If they say its a green and you get a blue, they lied. you can get your money back, plain and simple.

As for what you say about not getting money back..Guess i got lucky when i got my money? Ordered a laser on ebay they claimed had a lock, was blue 445nm 200mW, could adjust the lens, etc. It came with none of those, was actually a 405nm. Filed a claim thru paypal saying what i got was not what i ordered. Got my money back in a month. If you buy a green laser and they ship you a blue one they lied.

I prefer the old saying, "An eye for a eye".
The saying " 2 wrongs doesn't make a right" Is overrated and with how much people try to scam you its useless. You ever think when they get a taste of their own medicine they actually stop? I collect a lot of designer vinyl, scammers are a part of my life. Never will i treat them like a decent human.

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" -Ghandi :tsk:
Ive seen some pretty cool blind people:whistle::D

I think it would have the opposite effect. People only do these crimes b/c the lack of authority and initiative to teach them a lesson. Just think, if we killed murderers on the spot. I guarantee you the crime rate would drop. If websites were to start losing money over stuff like this, they stop doing it.
Ive seen some pretty cool blind people:whistle::D

I think it would have the opposite effect. People only do these crimes b/c the lack of authority and initiative to teach them a lesson. Just think, if we killed murderers on the spot. I guarantee you the crime rate would drop. If websites were to start losing money over stuff like this, they stop doing it.

While I do see your side of this belive me you will not get far on this forum with that mentality... let that site choke on it's own venom.

Oh! and welcome to the forum:wave::)
I could care less about being right when it comes to scammers. They deserve it. If all they have to do is prove they sent you a package then why would they need to even ship a laser at all? They have to ship you what they say. If they say its a green and you get a blue, they lied. you can get your money back, plain and simple.

As for what you say about not getting money back..Guess i got lucky when i got my money? Ordered a laser on ebay they claimed had a lock, was blue 445nm 200mW, could adjust the lens, etc. It came with none of those, was actually a 405nm. Filed a claim thru paypal saying what i got was not what i ordered. Got my money back in a month. If you buy a green laser and they ship you a blue one they lied.

I prefer the old saying, "An eye for a eye".
The saying " 2 wrongs doesn't make a right" Is overrated and with how much people try to scam you its useless. You ever think when they get a taste of their own medicine they actually stop? I collect a lot of designer vinyl, scammers are a part of my life. Never will i treat them like a decent human.

We were talking about Chinese laser retailers, not eBay.

You have a lot to learn, but I'm not going to educate you. You'll find out soon enough.

Eye for an eye? :thinking:

So does that mean if you hit someones dog with your car after you've had a few beers, they get to kill yours? How about replacing the dog with your child in the same situation?

You're just posturing. Nobody is impressed with that here. We value honesty, and intelligence. There is never an excuse to scam people. No matter who they are. By doing so, you're lowering yourself to their level. And if you lower yourself, then you're a hypocrite.
@TacoHerder - A small piece of hell freezes over every time I say this, but TJ is right...

There is never an excuse to scam people. No matter who they are. By doing so, you're lowering yourself to their level. And if you lower yourself, then you're a hypocrite.

You want to punish these companies? Don't order from them, and tell your friends not to order from them.
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