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Get this one....1500mW

If there were more people like you I'd go ahead and kill myself cause the world is dumb when it is inhabited by idiots like yourself...

Sorry dude you need to learn when to stop and take TJ's advice.

That large rep # under his name shows he's been here awhile, knows what he is talking about, and that many people agree with him.

You should wise up , quit being a smart ass 14 y/o and do the same

Did you just use a internet forum "rep meter" to validate someones experience and knowledge in the real world?
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Nope I used it as a he knows what he's talking about on this laser pointer forum site talking about laser pointers... I said nothing of the real world, I was talking about how it works around here.. But good guess...
Nope I used it as a he knows what he's talking about on this laser pointer forum site talking about laser pointers... I said nothing of the real world, I was talking about how it works around here.. But good guess...

Hadn't the conversation shifted to real world values and views by the time you decided to add your nuggets of "info" ?
Yes, and your point? I wasn't talking about the real world. I was talking about how Taco declined all of TJ's advice, and that he should listen up because he knows what he is talking about. You read it as me saying TJ's rep meant something correlated to the real world? I'm still trying to figure where you got that?

Did I say TJ's rep counts as real life rep? I do not think I did....

Edit: me thinks you need to re-read the entire thread... Specifically jander's post about "you will not last long on this forum with that mentality. That's what I was talking about, the forum
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LOL! His rep is all over advise given on the forum relating to laser topics. We were talking about advise on the real world. You still fail to see where hes going with that?
I understand completely what he is saying, and he asked if I was referring to the real world, and no I wasn't. I never was and never said anything about the real world. Once again, for the illiterate, "I" was referring to the forum, and that TJ knows his stuff. I agree him and tacosmellers convo had went to real life, but "I" was referring to how it works on the forum.

If you can't understand that^^^ then Im sorry but I can't help you.
Haha that's the best autocorrect iPhone has ever done for me^^^ see if you can find it
wow, pretty pathetic. Do you hit your wife when she doesnt agree with you too? Keep them insults coming, just shows how mature you really are.
Okay your pathetic for tryin to scam a company who no person with a functional brain would buy from. That immature enough?

I'm done with you trolls, have fun on the forums acting that way

(oh god did he say something about the forums when he meant real life?) ;)

Unsubscribed, blocked members, and done.
Uhhh... Sorry to jack this "morality of scamming scammers" thread but..

Hey Tman is tha green laser you PMed me about still for sale?
Okay your pathetic for tryin to scam a company who no person with a functional brain would buy from. That immature enough?

I'm done with you trolls, have fun on the forums acting that way

(oh god did he say something about the forums when he meant real life?) ;)

Unsubscribed, blocked members, and done.

Jumps into a thread with no valuable information to contribute, cusses someone out, dislikes the reaction he gets and blocks everyone and rage quits the thread. But we're the trolls. Least we're all on the same page.
apart from all the stupid drama, I love the "satisfaction guaranteed" sign on the website! :) :)
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Application Area:
- Solid-state laser pumping
- Medical treatment
- Beacons and Illumination
- Free-space communication
- Infrared light sources

:thinking: What?
So if you buy it will it come green or 445nm :crackup::crackup::crackup:
