Re: GB feeler laser barrels
Yes, you are right, lathes can cut threads, and cut them very well.
However, 'tooling up' for these and getting the feeds/speeds spot on won't be easy due to the size of the thread, also it's on the inside of a (relativly) small diameter which doesn't help. If you had a bigger thread, not a problem, but I don't know if I have the tools that will cut such a small thread. I'd have to look into buying some.
BUT, even if all the tools were available and it was to be cut into 60-100 of them, then you have the problem of what I was saying before about the cost of machining. 10-15 mins for such a thread, multiplyed up = a lot of money on machining time!!!
The best (and cheapest) desgin would be to make some custom 'jigs' that are fixed in place to whatever machine is needed for the task. This enables you to machine each part without measuring the cut/location for each piece, as everything is pre set. Then setup a mini production line, and split the task into several different parts. And by have a jig for each (for speed) then do 100 of task 1, then move onto 100x of task 2. This way you can speed up production sooooo much.