I just wanted to share some data and testing results I recorded tonight with these drivers AND to add that heatsinking these is FTW
I have 2 different types of heatsinks I added to my 1.3A preset jibdrives, one of which is from some units I received from Jib (thanks man :beer

and the other from something I harvested from a high end video card (thanks nvidia :beer

myself.... All in all I pretty much got the same results (my heatsink'd vs jibs heatsink'd) and I must conclude with saying that (1) the results are identical like I said and (2) my opinion is that these drivers are phenomenal!!
Especially for their price - and I think they will get a lot of use in the near future from specifically +1W 445nm builds. A million thanks to jib for offering these drivers :beer:
I just did this 5 mins ago. Presuming I test this driver with higher voltages I may yield a higher output, but with ~2min runtime @ <7V I get 100mA above the 'unheatsink'd' preset. Thanks again Jib for these drivers, and the
testload PCB I've been using to test everything above 4V/1A lately