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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

It's over. It's finally over. I managed to sort it all out. Barelly just, but it's taken care of.

I have just one more trip, to deliver and install some work, that was also waiting, but i'll be back home on Tuesday. Then i can finally stop running around. It's time to start fixing things.

I wish there was a way to undo everything that went wrong, but i can't. What i can do, is try to make up for allowing my problems affect you. At least to those that were affected the most.

I'm very sorry you had to wait. I tried to do everything in a way, that no one would be affected. I tried to sort out the problem on the side at first, but the more i was trying to solve it, the more i was realizing just how serious it actually is. I was running out of time, and i had no solution for it. I was completelly lost there for a while..

At first i didn't want to talk about it, but everything was going wrong by then. In the end, it was mentioning it, that probably saved my ass.

One of my buyers wrote me, and literally gave me step by step instructions of what to do, and what not to do, to survive in a situation like this. And even more importantly, he then insisted i follow them. He told me i was going about it the wrong way, and he was right. I thought i just had to find my accountant, and it would all be good. But if it was that easy, she wouldn't be hiding in the first place. (srjacob: I owe you one!)

I kept trying to do all the work at the same time, i kept thinking i could do it, i was forcing myself to work at nights, but eventually i ended up with only two weeks to find an accountant, that wouldn't say "no", after only one sentence, and then recreate one year's worth of paperwork. I had no other choice, but to drop everything and do all i could to solve this problem.

I didn't even know if i would make it or not until a week ago. But it's finally over. I've done as much as i could, got my new accountant an extension and enough papers to work with, the rest is up to her. I'm tired of running around all the time. I'll be paying taxes on money i didn't make, because there was no way to restore everything, but at least i won't get the fine or any audits.

I really wish i could have solved it all without it affecting any of you. I kept trying and thinking i could, but it was just impossible.

I don't expect everyone to just forgive me, but if nothing else, please believe this:
If i had a choice, any choice at all, i would much rather be here making everyone happy as usual, instead of running around like crazy, first trying to find my old accountant and later begging and pleading for copies of invoices..

But it was bad.. I thought i'd lose everything. I was scared. I don't know the tax laws, i don't want to know them, that's why i pay a lot of money for someone else to know and take care of them for me. And that someone let me down big time. Not only did she not do anything, she dissapeared together with essential business documents.

But now the worst is over. And while i can't undo everything, that went wrong here during my absence, i can try to make up for it, if you will allow me. I will have one thing that i didn't have before... Time. I still have my work (luckily), but compared to before, i will have all the time in the world now.

It'll take me a while to catch up with everything and sort through all the emails. Many things went wrong on all fronts, while i was gone. A lot of work got piled up, but at least i'm not in a state of constant panic anymore. Now i have to start getting things back to normal.

But first things first. Anyone still waiting for their package, please email me as soon as you read this.

Please use "PACKAGE TRACKING" for subject, and send the email to my company address (same as my PP email - if you're not sure what email address, ask Th0ughts). I'm still in disaster recovery mode, and it'll probably take me a month to sort through all the emails, so please use that subject, so that i can use search, and separate your emails out from the rest, and answer to you first.

Also, any other deals we've made, i haven't forgotten about them, i will get on with that when i come back.

Once again, i am very sorry for allowing my problems affect you. If it is at all in my power, i will do my best to make up for it.

A small thing i did.. Every single one of you got a hand picked premium diode, regardless of what power you asked for. You probably noticed, that the powers you got are "slightly" higher than what you requested. That's not because i pushed your diodes that much harder, but because i selected only the highest efficiency ones for you.

Also, while the 6x's were originally not meant to be covered by a diode warranty, they are, for you guys. If one should die unusually fast, i will replace it for free. ("Infant mortality warranty"). This goes for everyone from batch 1, 2 and 3.

I hope, that this at least partially makes up for the fact that you had to wait for me to sort out my problems. The rest i will tell you in the emails.

It'll take a while to get things back to normal. But first i need to take care of anyone still waiting, so please write me according to the above instructions, and i'll get back to you with your info on Tuesday at the latest. I'm taking my computer with me, so if i can, i will try to answer sooner. After Tuesday i'm back for good.

Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

IgorT said:
Anyone still waiting for their package, please email me as soon as you read this.
Pretty much EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD is "still waiting for their package."
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

I knew you would make it through it. Its always darkest before the dawn. I'm glad some members were here to help. You have a lot of well deserved friends here. And with that you cant lose.
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

glad to see that you're back, igor. ;)
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

Déjà Vu.

IgorT said:
Ok, now that most of the stuff has been delivered and the last packages are starting to show up, ...

For you it'll all be over in a couple of days...

As for the lasers. The only thing not finished yet is batch #3...
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

Wow Igor is still around. I knew something was up when emails started being auto-replied and never responded. Thank you for the explanation and I'm very glad that you made it out with your sanity and your business still intact.
You don't owe me anything, I just missed your correspondence :)

Welcome back, take a deep breath and we'll chat later I hope!

Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

Hi Igor, glad to see that your problems are finished and that you're back :).
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

glad to see you are back, now I can get in on getting myself 1 of your lasers when you get ready.
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

Great to hear from you Igor.

Glad to hear things are almost back to normal. We've missed you.

Email sent, TTYSoon

Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

Glad your back Igor :)

haha like drlava say's with your sanity still intact ;D
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

The incredible shrinking man.... erh, thread ;D

It's not just the last pages of "slamming" that are missing. When I came here, one full month ago, it was already ~65 pages; now it's 49. There must be a lot of old info that was deleted as well.
Re: FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

I think something like half of all the posts :)
