Here's an update:
That's what the cameras look like while getting zapped with my 455nm Arctic, approximately 750mw of blue, image sensor-frying goodness.
It took forever to get the laser aligned right into the lens from 35 feet away, but as you can see I managed a bullseye. Of course after I finally got it going the battery died after about 20 mins, but if that's not enough time to permanently damage the sensor, it just ain't gonna happen with a laser.
I also took the advice of a super soaker and had fun last night spraying both of them with water. Sometime this weekend I'll pick up some of that special pool-cleaning acid that was mentioned somewhere in this thread and give them a very special bath.
If anyone else has any suggestions of what I can mix with water that would do damage to the cameras, please speak ! Since they are designed to be setup outdoors, my guess is they are fairly waterproof. So I'm sure it will take an additive of some sort to make them beg for mercy.
I ALSO picked up a BB gun that has a pellet speed of 1200 feet per second (the average gun seems to be around 350fps) so I'm sure a shot with this thing will be pretty lens-busting.
But can you believe the damn gun didn't come with ANY ammo?? Even the guys is the shop were sure it would come with at least a small supply.
I did buy extra, but despite being the right size the pellets are the wrong shape (perfectly round) and when I loaded one into to back of the barrel (it's a rifle) it just rolled down and out the other side!
The ones pictured on the box have pointed arrow heads, so I'll have to find some place in town that has them (despite living in Los Angeles, where you'd think you can easily find anything, sometimes it's amazing how impossible it is to find something like a certain style of sunglasses or, in this case, a specific kind of BB....
More updates as news breaks! And hopefully the cameras too