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FrozenGate by Avery

FRYING a camcorder

Why don't you do as others have suggested here and use IR lasers? They'll temporarily blind the cameras even without being pointed right into the lens, and are completely invisible to humans, so even if the police were called, you can easily claim they are just LED's (Making sure they don't look into them). You can get IR laser diodes for real cheap on eBay that'd do the trick. They don't even need to be high power to basically disable the cameras.

As others have said, water isn't likely do to anything in the short term except make him aware you're attacking his property, whereas a tiny IR laser on your balcony won't raise any flags unless he moves the cameras.

For the best effectiveness, set up a simple circuit to flash the laser at about 5hz. IR cameras like those usually have exposure compensation, so by pulsing the bright light, they'll never be able to adjust properly.

This method is best because you are not actually damaging any of his personal property, so you don't have to fight that off in court if it ever comes to it.
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Things, as I explained to the other person who suggested using infra red, it's a very good idea, but I don't have any infra red gear and there ain't no way I'm going to waste any real money putting this fool in his place. The cost of a super soaker is one thing (and a lot of fun) but I'm not buying a new laser that I would have no other use for.

Of course, if someone wants to LEND me an infra red laser, I'm very open to the idea!! :-D

As far as resolving it man to man with said fool - believe me, it would not have come to this if he was willing to be reasonable.

When the barking first started (over two years ago) I went to him and complained NICELY. He was apologetic and seemed genuinely interested in doing something about it (of course I had to wonder if that were true, why had he not done it already? Does it really take neighbors to complain for you to realize that your dogs barking all day and all night might be a nuisance to the neighborhood?)

He gave me his phone number and told me to call if the barking was still bad.

I had to call many times. So he changed his number! Does this give you some idea of this person's mentality?

After giving him many warnings, I went to the authorities and started the process of official action being taken if he did not correct it (he could have his dogs taken away). When he received official notice, THEN he took care of it - but only for a few months. Once it started again, I had to begin the official complaint process all over again (once several months pass after you make the first official complaint, if they don't hear from you again they assume it's taken care of and erase all record of a complaint being filed. If the barking starts again after that time period, the lengthy process starts from the top).

And it's not like I had time to deal with this every day of my life, so this whole thing went on for ages. If I went to him to talk about it in person he would take on a combative attitude and basically yell at ME for getting on his case.

Then, about 6 months ago, the barking stopped. I'm sure I wasn't the only one complaining, since he made comments that suggested so much the last time I confronted him about it ("why can't you people understand I'm doing everything I can," etc).

All was good.

But a few weeks ago it started again! I yelled out my window a few times (sometimes if he was in the yard with the dogs and I yelled he would take them inside (he has so many trees in his yard it's impossible for me actually see into his yard very well, so yelling was sort of a "hail Mary" attempt).

Next thing I know, my landlord is saying the dog guy went to him and accused me of tossing beer bottles into his yard. I told him not only was it not me, but I don't even drink beer! LoL.

The rest you know.

So that's the long story I didn't want to bore you with. But since you were wondering why I don't just deal with this in a civilized way, it's because I'm the only civilized one involved.

At least until this week. The white gloves of civilization have now been officially removed.
And no one achieves great power without taking a few gambles.

And I'm betting he is NOT going to the police no matter what I do to his cameras. If I were secretly video taping someone and was dumb enough to leave my cameras within striking distance of my subject I just can't imagine what my complaint would be.

And let's see him prove it was a laser and not a high power flashlight that fried his image sensor. Let's see even the cops want to take that one to a judge. It's one thing when a pilot or law officer actually witnessed the laser in operation - its another when the only evidence you have is a bright flash on a video.

And the police have a LOT of latitude in what they decide to prosecute. Even on the off chance it's legal to secretly tape someone, the cops are not for one second going to sympathize with this jack off.

So if Mr Barker is angry and stupid enough to complain to the police that I broke his barely hidden spy camera with a laser beam.., LOL just hearing that complaint in my head is pretty damn funny. It sounds like the guy is high! Anyway I just don't see the cops busting down my door with a search warrant for laser guns.

I say bring it! The judge will laugh his ass off and when he hears the only reason this guy had to suspect me for throwing beer bottles in his back yard is "well I just know it was him" AND after I prove I don't even drink beer I think the judge will tell this guy to hide his camera someplace better next time.

Like crammed up his [CENSORED]
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I don't know where you live but in my area barking dogs are not tolerated and are a nuisance.
Call the cops, file a complaint.
Where I am the humane society/animal control will actually take away the dog if something isn't done.
File a law suit. Sue him. He's distubing the peace.
Get some neighbors involved.
It sounds like you are not the only one that can hear it.
You could also put up a blind on your side of the fence that would not let his camera's see any thing on your side and he could do nothing about that !
HOLY CRAP! I know what those cameras are!!!! Seriously, they are indoor/outdoor CCTV cams that you can get from Ebay for 30 buckaroos. 1/3" Sony CCD or similar chip, night vision, coaxial cable output, and most likely a PC card imports multiple channels of video. With these new CCDs you can easily get high resolution video, data logging, and with a minimal cost of money and resources on the host PC.

Here is the important part: these cameras with the 1/3" CCD has auto white balance, and other features to adjust to bright lights, daytime and nighttime conditions, etc. I dont' think any kind of bright light would completely flush out the image or cause damage to the CCD.

These will either have a wide viewing angle (think of convenience store cams) or narrow with a fair amount of zoom. The way they're placed is definitely not in the interests of security.

Anyways, you are dealing with aluminum housings that will easily corrode once the anodizing is gone. Muriatic acid will make quick work out of that. Dilute with water, 5 parts water to 1 (mostly so they don't smoke when you pour it on). This is a common pool chemical that can be found at big time hardware stores (Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.) Spray on and forget. Given the shoddy anodizing I've seen on those things, those things will be trashed in no time.

The acid is fairly mild, but it will destroy aluminum, zinc, and other light metals. Calcuim doesn't stand a chance so don't pour it on the sidewalk. It's great for getting rid of hardwater stains on stainless steel.
I had these same camera's. If you lob something like a balloon at them and hit the top, there pointed position will change. No longer being aimed at you. If he re adjusts, do it again. They have cheap mounts and eventually will no longer hold there position. Or aim your laser at the black wires. burn a hole in the insulation and let nature take it's course. or just smash em. Pellet gun. If your willing to break the civil rules, your options are endless. The last time I was harrased about my porperty I simply drove the pricks teeth down his throat.
Filming you, on your property, if it is not facing a public location, is illegal. If the balcony faces out to a public street... no such luck. Otherwise, you are entitled to a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Step 1. Talk to your neighbor.

Step 2. Call the cops.

Step 3. Call a lawyer.

Of course since you know where the cameras are pointed, and what the viewing angles are... why not just take a bb gun, and have some fun with the guy first?
It looks like he genuinely thinks you're the one who's dumping the beer bottles into his yard.
Why not just let him film you for sometime to let him realise his mistake?

Sure it's annoying that someone else spying on you but if you're going to do "something" about it now,
all the more he's going to be "certain" you're the one doing it all along.

Give him a month or two, if he still doesn't want to remove the cam,
then use your laser, mounted on a tripod to cut the cables off or whatever else others have mentioned to you?
Spectre: thanks for the info, man! I was hoping that if I posted pics of the cameras someone might recognize them. It makes total sense that this guy would go on eBay and find the cheapest thing he could. I'll look for that acid in my local OSH hardware store and fill a super soaker with the solution and empty it all over the cameras.

I just took a look and thankfully he left the red light untouched so he's made it easy for me to locate them at night :-) I just gave them both a quick dose of 180mw green light, I'm sure that played havoc with the sensor for a bit.

And just to remind anyone who suggests spray paint, unless I can hit the lens from 35 ft away, it may be an impractical solution.

Also, the police in Los Angeles do NOT respond to barking dog complaints, unfortunately. They tell you to call animal control services, which make you undergo a lengthy, time consuming process that takes MONTHS to resolve (and if you read my long post on the previous page you'll see I tried that - twice - and ultimately had no luck).

So yes, I have made every attempt to resolve this above board and legally. And reallly, I should not have to do any of this; a decent person would simply understand the nuisance his dogs have created and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. His claim that he has tried everything he can is a load of bull - many dog owners I've spoken to made it their #1 priority to stop their dogs from barking and annoying the neighbors. There is simply no such thing as it being "impossible" to stop them.

At the very least you could put a muzzle on them if you have to leave them alone in the yard while you go out. And the fact that they bark while he is home and it takes a complaint before he takes them inside just proves he has no respect or consideration for his neighbors.

It's incredibly ironic that his reaction to people throwing stuff into his yard isn't "wow, if people are being annoyed THIS much that they have resorted this something illegal I really should do something about it," but instead he says "I'm gonna catch the mofo throwing stuff into my yard!"

He doesn't deserve any respect or consideration for himself anymore.
Comet: sorry, no way, I do not take kindly to him aiming cameras at my house. I'm not going to let it go for MONTHS, it bothers me NOW and he deserves to have his cameras burnt to a crisp.

He also deserves a Darwin award for not realizing that if someone KNOWS they are being filmed they are not going to do anything illegal in front of them, so what exactly is he hoping to achieve?

Aside from broken cameras.
