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FrozenGate by Avery

Finally! PT-54 Flashlight

That's awesome..... It's like a handheld hot burning sun in those pics where the light is yellow & the room is red :beer:
Please forgive my ignorance, but by direct drive you mean you have the batteries hooked directy to the LED? i wasn't aware you ccould get by with something like that. I thought that would fry the LED pretty quickly.
Any idea how much the green one would cost altogether?

Also, nice wife.
On a side note to that, why are you using such a high powered light around her without proper eye protection?
or is the unfocused light not that dangerous.
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Reminds me of my wife. She has gotten good at ignoring the man with the strange lights. She can Facebook through anything! LOL :D
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Just got these in today. I won't be getting my hosts for some time though. We will have to wait till then for some action shots.
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That will make a sweet collection.:beer:
Nice build! So you can adjust the focus on that thing right? That is a pretty small host.
