That "old" mod we had here once used a lot of foul, insulting language toward the members to be sure. .....
That i meant saying "feeling themselves like Gods", LOL
Regarding the post count.... what about the noobs who have big post counts because of threads like "3 word story"? .....
I must say I really disagree with rep per transaction.. .....
But i'm sure that c0ld don't choose his mods based on reps or post counts ..... he knows all the old users here, and knows how they are really, good enough to made a wise choice, regardless reps, post counts and appearance
Other than this, about the 3 words story question, i suppose you know that specific threads, or also sections, can be excluded from post count, in VBulletin, if Avery need or want
how about setting a certain number of mods needed to lets say ban someone. So a group of mods can only make changes rather than any single one mod. They have to be in agreement.
I'm sorry, but i have to disagree with this part (power of ban to mods, also temporarily) ..... ban is a formal punishment for a bad conduct, that affect account privileges and condition ..... imho, the only one that must have the power to ban peoples is Avery, as forum admin, cause after all, this is
his forum .....
Yeah but how many other forums have you ever heard of that had potential civil litigation threatened? I am a member of a few and I've never heard of that in any other place.
This depend from countries and courst ..... some countries admit a request of money for damage, if your words or images against other peoples causes "moral damage" and "business damage", like, as example, saying repeatedly that a product is crap or bad, in a public place with thousand of users, abusing of your position of mod (and, implicitly, trusted person with good reputation, being mod), can be considered a real obstacle to business, where ruin the reputation and "public image", that cause loss of money ..... some other counties don't admit just the possibility, asking for evidences ..... is a thing very unclear, and based on different laws, so is difficult to say with precision if can happen or not ..... but, in the doubt, i think "better safe than sorry" is a good politic :beer:.
See this is not me (no Dots):san:
To add to Niko's post... Dave had said that an Anonymous Mod could be found
out by his Writing Style... So I guess I'm not going to be an Anonymous Mod..:beer:
EEK ! I see dots, i see dots ..... run ! (J/K, sorry, it was too tempting
