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FrozenGate by Avery

DISPUTE Trever22

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And he has pm'ed me asking for free laser stuff because he said he was interested I'n
Lasers but had no money whatsoever to buy even cheap parts.
I told him he could have the backs of aixiz modules if he wanted to pay shipping and gas lol

May I suggest the next time there is a deal and you have to mail anything and you don't know the person you are mailing to that you get delivery confirmation no matter what, and if you can't pay for it ask the other person to pay for it or make it part of the deal in the first place.
if you had it for your last mailing we wouldn't even be talking about this now would we.
Just trying to help so don't get bent at me or Dave or any one else when you ask for and get answers and we give the best one we can think of.

Try and have a good day :yh:
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Sorry Dustin but I have to agree with Dave, and you know how I feel about Trever22. You've been here long enough to know better. Also you I'm sure your dad has bashed it in your head not to send cash through the mail. And lets face it, I can find .70 just looking on the ground while walking up the street. Tell Trever to take .70 less, I'm sure he would have not said no. Also coudnt your parents write you a check? At least you could of canceled it.

Man I dont know what you were thinking. There were so many cheap ways to protect yourself, and you didnt do any of them. You've seen people get scammed here, and you know how they got scammed. Doesnt make sense bro.
My parents would not help out... no way in hell, IDK where you live, but its been a LONG time since I've found anything better than a dime on the street... Trever had a fair rep, I figured it would be OK, he won't get off easy though...
The facts don't look too good. Untraceable cash will be tempting to those with less than honourable intentions. Sure this will eventually catch up to him in the end. You can find solace in the fact that your sacrifice educated some other members of LPF, not to do the same.
The facts don't look too good. Untraceable cash will be tempting to those with less than honourable intentions. Sure this will eventually catch up to him in the end. You can find solace in the fact that your sacrifice educated some other members of LPF, not to do the same.

Yeah.. at the very least, he will not be rid of me for some time... ANY sales by him will be distroyed ;)
We need to find out if anyone had sent or received anything to or from him. Maybe you could find an address and or possibly even a phone number from that. From previous interactions (they were just conversations in PM's as he was asking me about a PHR build) he seemed to only be a young one.
We need to find out if anyone had sent or received anything to or from him. Maybe you could find an address and or possibly even a phone number from that. From previous interactions (they were just conversations in PM's as he was asking me about a PHR build) he seemed to only be a young one.

DLMB sent him a letter. He should already have the address

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Wow that sucks man:(
I hope you can resolve this with him.
Maybe call usps for a confirmation of delivered enveloppe?
If they yes then call the police. If that doesnt work out well...i think you're screwed:(
But if usps cant confirm, we shouldnt judge the things we cannot say for sure...

I just read the whole topic and agree with daguin...its dumb to send an enveloppe..registered or not...but in any case you are thr guy being scammed. And personaly i'd like the scammer to see and feel the consequences.

And yeah some rep power would probaly have did it for me as well, but i still wouldnt send a enveloppe with money, ever.

The scammer should be pointed to this topic.
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I've made the mistake of sending Cash money in the Mail
a long time ago... I had purchased the service for a delivery

The person on the other end claimed that the money never
got there and Postal System couldn't show me a delivery
signature... It wasn't a huge amount...(~$25.00)

Who do you think took the envelope and it's contents between
my post office and the receivers post office...
What agency had it in their hands between the two of us..:thinking:

The other less likely scenario is that the Postal System lost
mt envelope.

I'm not saying that is what happened to you... but what
happened to me...
And the only reason (in my case) that the receiver was taken
out of the equation was because the Postal System could not
show me a signature for delivery.

Unless you live on another planet... everyone should know
that you don't send CASH through the mail.....
Even the POST OFFICE says so....

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I sent cash in the mail once. Strangely enough, my Russian Bride never showed up...

If it's that hard to scrounge up $.70, and takes weeks to amass $20.00, perhaps a BB Gun isn't the wisest investment choice.

Fool me twice, shame on me;
fool me once, over the internet with cash sent unregistered thru the mail, to someone who is not known to me, for an item that seems far from necessity, well, shame on me too...

however you look at it, this situation sucks, but you can't blame anyone else but yourself...

Hey man sorry to hear you might of got scammed.

But as much as it sucks and you probabally don't want to here it unless you can trust the person your posting money to with your right arm I wouldn't even go there, people are greedy and it's to easy for him to say it didn't arrive.

Unfortunatly I really don't think there's anything you can do, with out proof of the money arriving you have no way of knowing absoloutly 100% that the money did arrive.
I have NEVER, and will NEVER send anything that somebody has paid me money for, without delivery confirmation. $.70 to be able to PROVE that they got the item, is worth it.
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