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FrozenGate by Avery

DISPUTE Trever22

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I have NEVER, and will NEVER send anything that somebody has paid me money for, without delivery confirmation. $.70 to be able to PROVE that they got the item, is worth it.

Delivery confirmation from USPS doesn't mean much. It does NOT guarantee it was put into the hand of the recipient or someone living at that address.
All it means is that it went through the postal system and was delivered to a mailbox.
It might not even be the right mailbox (we get other peoples mail all the time in our box and others get our mail...this happens several times a year) If they do put it in the right mailbox, if that mailbox is not locked, then anyone can steal it from the box, just look at all the meth heads raiding unsecured mailboxs.

If you want to make sure it gets there, you need signature confirmation (about $2) and someone will have to sign for that package or letter.

This said, DLMB needs to give it more time to arrive, I've had priority mail packages get lost in the system for months and I bet with a 1st class letter that isn't tracked, it happens even more often.

Without proof of delivery, there is really nothing to dispute unless Trevor has a history of this same thing happening to other transactions of his, he needs to be given the benefit of the doubt that it never got to him, without tracking and a signature confirmation a many different things could have happened to the letter, it could just be slow getting there, it could have been mis-delivered, or someone could have gotten into his mailbox before he did.
Right now I've got a package from a customer that is lost in limbo. The customer sent his pointer to me back in December for cleaning and it still has not arrived after almost 5 months and without any tracking, there is not even any proof that it was shipped, but I do believe him as this kind of thing has happened in the past.

I know it's drag, but at this point all that can be done is wait and see if the letter gets to Trevor.
The postal system is far from perfect. I doubt someone from the USPS stole the letter as most are honest and those that are not tend to go after packages that look like they have something of value in them.
The USPS handles millions if not hundreds of millions of letters and packages each day and with their automated handling and sorting, some letters will get mis-routed or mis-delivered and some will fall off the sorting machines and get lost for a time and others still may get jammed or shredded in the sorting machines and never get to their destination.

I hope this helps and with some luck your payment to Trevor will arrive soon.

Well, unless they specify that they want signature confirmation, then delivery confirmation in my mind is you doing what you can do get it to the address they wanted it shipped to. If they didn't opt for signature confirmation, as long as it got to their address specified, then i believe you have done your part
Well, unless they specify that they want signature confirmation, then delivery confirmation in my mind is you doing what you can do get it to the address they wanted it shipped to. If they didn't opt for signature confirmation, as long as it got to their address specified, then i believe you have done your part

But delivery confirmation only means that the package was put into someones mail box.
It does not guarantee that it was even the right mailbox as I've gotten packages with delivery confirmation in my mailbox that were put there by mistake and belonged to someone on the other side of town. It also doesn't mean that someone has stolen the mail if it did go to the right box, mail theft happens all the time.

Anything that is mailed and has value, should have a signature confirmation on it to show proof and eliminate any question, insurance is good to have too in case the package is lost or destroyed in transit, but that depends on the value of what you're sending. If the value is only $5 for instance, it would not be wise to spend $2 for a signature confirmation, but if it's $50 or more, then $2 is well spent.

Of course, I've sent stuff with signature confirmation, that the delivering mailman has signed for and left unsecured, so it's a less than perfect system, but we got him busted on that when the customer forund his RPL sitting on his porch and let me know about it and it was found that the mailman forged the customers signature so he didn't have to take the package back to the PO.
Well, unless they specify that they want signature confirmation, then delivery confirmation in my mind is you doing what you can do get it to the address they wanted it shipped to. If they didn't opt for signature confirmation, as long as it got to their address specified, then i believe you have done your part

Agreed... when the Postal System shows a package was
delivered... I'm satisfied... but more important PayPal is

Agreed... when the Postal System shows a package was
delivered... I'm satisfied... but more important PayPal is


Exactamundo my friend. If THEY don't care about signature confirmation, then delivery confirmation lets me know I've done all I can, and if somebody happens to jack their mail that day, that's their problem.
All is well, there is substantial proof to show that he is a less that good member. He will get what's coming to him (ad maybe not blame USPS?) bootleg2go it's been a few weeks at this point. I was originally gunna buy it as a gift, but then my friend really wanted it, so I fronted him the money for it. I did not buy it for me, I don't need it...
He's certainly less than a good member. Pm'ing multiple people asking them for FREE laser parts/ lasers etc. etc.

He's a scam artist, clear as day. Everyone's just saying, don't send cash money in the mail LOL
Strange how Trever has not posted to defend himself? :thinking: If you called me a liar, or scammer, I'd be ranting and raving.
He obviously is a scammer, but you already know this. He doesn't care, and will see if he can stick around the forums and not get banned for what he has done.
Odds are very high that Trev scammed you- and so dont hold your breath on him doing the right thing now. Scammers dont usually admit being liars too.

But for your own mental well-being you need to let this go, Dustin. Its bad enough that the cash you sent is gone. (i told you that was a big mistake on your part) So letting it get to you now is not only pointless but bad for you.

The word is out- he is a sponge and very likely a scammer- thats all you can do- it opens our eyes on him and makes it very unlikely that he will scam another on this forum. Sorry I was taking the middle of the road when you first asked me about him. No more of that- I am taking sides now. And the next time you are 70 cents short PM me . I still have egg on my face from sending Trev a dollar.

GL hope things improve for you.

uncle Len
Trever22 has sent me PMs asking for free laser stuff, and simply money... for free.

He's not too quick of a boy IMO. Asking for things in the wrong places, and whatnot.

He's even asked me how to assemble his hotlight kit before, I don't even have one myself! Hes asked me to PP him .25 cents saying he is a little short for his DX order. I've given him LOTS of helpful advice, loads of links to read, and even advice to help him find a college to go to. He claims I've been the most helpful to him, and while I try to help out wherever I can, he might be the most "needy" of members here.

I think from all these things, he's just another kid with 'don't care'' parents.


I would never make an actual transaction with him though. Seems to be too young to me.
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Look at the flag in his avatar, he's a red neck, LOL.

If you beg people for dollars, ask for free lasers, and screw your friends, yoooou just might be a red neck.

If you use a racist flag as an avatar, and catch small bass from an over sized boat, yoooou just might be a red neck

For some reason I was confusing Trever22 with Trevor, whom I have delt with in the past.
if others have been scammed by Trevor22, then there's not much hope.
3 week is a long time, but just last month I had a fellow use 1st class mail to send me a money order and it took nearly 3 weeks to arrive. I was close to the point of having them cancel the money order as lost and resend a new one.

If PayPal is happy with just a delivery confirmation, then I suppose that's fine if your the one sending the goods, but the real credit card companies want real proof by a signature.
To me delivery confirmation is just extra cash paid with little in return, when for $2 you can get a paper trail with signature. Even if my customers ask for no signature confirmation, they are told we don't ship without it.

I take that back with delivery confirmation, I will sometimes use for a repeat customer where their delivery address is a post office PO box at a real post office.

I hope this gets worked out for you DLMB.
Has anyone sent trever22 a PM letting him know about this thread?
I know many members who do not visit everyday and with it in the disputes section, it's not going to be easily seen unless he's watching this section or uses the "todays posts" button.
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