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Dealextreme 50mW red is actually a 635nm red laser !!

Maybe DX made a mistake and sent 635nm lasers? Maybe the others who order will get real 650 nm lasers? I don't know. What you think?

DX don't sell 635nm lasers. I even doubt if DX is aware of the situation.
It is not so bright as the 40mW Ebay 635nm diode but much brighter than the 5mW 635nm from Modwerx. I estimate it around 20-30mW power which is comparible to a 50mW 650nmm in brightness. And that is exactly the selling point of this laser.

Blord, you may be right about that. By the way great job with your work with the diffraction grating. Most red lasers I have seen are ~650nm. I bought a Infiniter Ultra Slim laser a couple of years ago, really nice and pricey at the time. They listed it in 2 versions 650nm and 635nm at ~5mw I got the 635nm and now wish I had ordered more of them. I currently have an order in to Modwerx for 3 of these 635nm diodes to put into
a stainless steel host that I am going to build myself.

A discipline of light.
I'm interested in getting in a buy as well if it happens. I notice Focalprice has one identical, but under their description it says "Light source: 635-670nm/50mW red laser module." So maybe whoever makes them use whichever diodes they can get cheapest at the time?


I need some RCR2's anyway, so maybe i'll order one just to see what I get.
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OK, so curiousity killed he cat, uhh I mean, got the better of me, I just ordered one. :)
I ordered the one from focalprice. I'll put it on the spectrometer and get back to you.
Look forward to your report. It'd be nice if it was the same so people in the US could get one without having to bother someone as a middle man.
Don't get too excited everyone. I ordered one of these in early/mid November, got it on the Saturday before Christmas and I can see that it's 650/660nm. I know that colour with its deep cherry red compared to 630nm rated neon red LEDs.
Well that is telling, it is easy to see the difference. Cherry or deep cherry is not in the 635nm range. They are probably using whatever they have available and just happened to use some 635nm diodes. Thanks for the info.
When I bought this red laser from dealextreme, DealExtreme: $12.80 50mW 650nm Red Laser Pointer Pen (2*AAA), I was confused about the real color of this red.
I posted a picture of the dot comparison in this thread, http://laserpointerforums.com/f50/quiz-guest-wavelength-red-laser-58722.html
Visually the color looks very similar to the 40mW 635nm Sanyo diode from Ebay. But it was not a real proof of a 635nm diode.
I was thinking about a scientific way to measure the wavelength with the diffraction gratings. It is possible to determine the exact wavelength of the laser when the lines/mm of the grating is known. Because I already have the 635nm diode, all I need is measure the distance between the main dot and the secondary dot and compare it to the existing diodes.

I can say that I've not seen any sort of digital camera that can distinguish the relatively subtle color difference between 635 and 655 nm. Most of these red laser diodes are running between 640-660nm once warmed up.

You diffraction grating experiment is interesting however!

Visually it is possible to tell the difference between 635 and 650+ nm. If you think it looks close to your 635nm laser it probably is.. however unless you get a spectrum analyzer you're not going to know. It could be your 635nm laser is really a 645nm laser.

Another thing to understand is each diode is unique. The manufacturer will list the lasing frequency, however it's (+)/(-) 10-15 nm .. one diode will lase at 640nm, the next 650nm (at the same temp). You likely just got lucky with the diode lottery and got one lasing closer to 635nm.
Sorry I forgot about this thread ;)

Anyone interested in one of them should PM me right now (for my PayPal and your address)

Let´s get them ASAP!!

Everybody wanting to join in this GB, must PM me for PayPal info till 01-10 12:00pm

I´m going to order them on 01-11.

BTW, I´m going to update this post here with people ready to buy them. $20 shipped to the US.

Interested buyers:

aryntha - $sent$

Tonga - $sent$

Arshus - $sent$

joeyss - $sent$

2x qumefox - $sent$

nkgamer1990 - $sent$

jaredian - $sent$


LtKernelPanic - $sent$

jakeGT - $sent$

scopeguy20 - $sent$

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Remember to buy them at Dealextreme, I don't know about other webshops. Maybe they have whole other batch of 50mW reds.

:whistle: 405 posts !! I finally see colors in my lasers.
