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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Cool lightsaber build, should cut skin!!!

This is a fascinating thread. I dont know if you know what you're talking about, but it sure is fun to read it! =P You have quite a story! =] lol

I want you to do less chit-chat and talk more about this laser you have planned. If anything, the forum members can help you with your setup. try to draw us some pics in Paint that will explain what you are trying to do in order to combine the beams.

I agree, it was a very good read. Just like any sci-fi book out there. Satisfying but never real. Hahaha


That guy is really Robert Heinlein returned as Valentine Michael Smith, but he's not horny anymore. However, he Groks laser as no other man..
Unfortunately he's given every reason under the sun, except that his camera spontaneously exploded, to why he can't at the moment... lol

He just sent me a PM telling me that his camera spontaneously exploded, thus starting a fire in his house burning his light saber to a crisp. What a coincidence!
Hahaha, no website, an actual test given by a doctor and then again when I thought it might be fun to join MENSA. I didn't because of the cost of the membership I was 14 at the time.

Last time I took a Mensa test, 148 was the pass mark for entry? Surely Mensa can't be, 'dumbing down', to let someone of a mere 140 in?!!!

Last time I took a Mensa test, 148 was the pass mark for entry? Surely Mensa can't be, 'dumbing down', to let someone of a mere 140 in?!!!


To join Mensa, you must have achieved a score at or above the 98th percentile on a standard test of intelligence.
Just looking at the Threads this "Genius" (that doesn't seem to have
a camera or friends with cameras) started..


it is obvious he has no clue... (can't even prove what he's bragging about)

And he was begging for 25pc 300mW Blu-Ray LDs to be donated to


I think he added a zero in the end of his IQ score.... and his age..:whistle:

When I was 8 years old I thought I knew everything and that the world
revolved around me...


Reality kicked in...
I guess it hasn't yet for this guy....

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Hey Mr. 140.... I hate to illuminate your ramblings with some fact, but the elder futhark was an alphabet, NOT a language.... Also, it was a runic based alphabet, the oldest known. It is derived from the old italic alphabet. (read "close to latin, but not direct derivitive") Your claim, Mr 140, is like saying "I speak the language of alphabet" Now while I do realise you didn't actually expect any sane person to take you seriously, I would like to point out, that when expecting people to take you remotely seriously in other things, simply lying left and right, kind of hurts your credibility and makes you look rather stupid....


Edit, also, given the beam visibility (or lack thereof) with my PHR, I would assume the best choice of laser to spout some BS about a lightsaber would be something other then a blu-ray......... However, if you could handle the optics to align multiple beams closely together (read close, not overlapping as I doubt you could pull that off) why not make a lightsaber effect by bouncing the beams back and forth around a preset distance multiple times. Then on the last pass through the lightsaber part, go through a hole in the top, to hit something that would diffuse it on the other side of the top mirror array. Making it simply appear to stop in midair. Wouldn't be a true light saber, but would look pretty cool. (not certain if you could diffuse a beam with convex mirrors and aerogel or not, but I imagine an aerogel other than a silica aerogel should diffuse nicely.) Meh don't mind me, just rambling on about things I barely am starting to understand

Hahaha, no website, an actual test given by a doctor and then again when I thought it might be fun to join MENSA. I didn't because of the cost of the membership I was 14 at the time. No, English is not my first language I know 4, and I have dyselxia so english is a pain to use, it is why I prefer the dead langauge of Elder Futhark which comes from Latin. The main reason it's hard to understand me is because my computer uses Elder Futhark as the main langauge and runs a program I wrote to translate it into Latin and then to English. So the spelling may be off because I wrote it a while ago and did it from memory so. I am sorry if it is hard to understand what I am saying. I will go back through the code and try and fix it. By the way I don't use a lot of punctuation because it is hard to do it correctly given the above. I will try to be more careful in the future.
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Hahaha, no website, an actual test given by a doctor and then again when I thought it might be fun to join MENSA. I didn't because of the cost of the membership I was 14 at the time. No, English is not my first language I know 4, and I have dyselxia so english is a pain to use, it is why I prefer the dead langauge of Elder Futhark which comes from Latin. The main reason it's hard to understand me is because my computer uses Elder Futhark as the main langauge and runs a program I wrote to translate it into Latin and then to English. So the spelling may be off because I wrote it a while ago and did it from memory so. I am sorry if it is hard to understand what I am saying. I will go back through the code and try and fix it. By the way I don't use a lot of punctuation because it is hard to do it correctly given the above. I will try to be more careful in the future.
BWAHAHAHAHA! :crackup:
Can we rename this thread to FAIL THREAD?

oh yeah btw aixiz modules cost $3.. 4x3 is 12 dummy :D

I can probably email them to someone else and they can post it.
happy for you to email me!
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this thread makes me lol hard. I especially like the part about speaking elder futhark :) I bet this guy can't even speak a second language....
Someone called me a mu futhark once .... I think that's what he said but I'm a bit hard of hearing.
Never mind, I don't think he had an IQ of over 27 :-)

