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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Cool lightsaber build, should cut skin!!!

LOLZ he can't even speak his native language!

That is the funniest fact I've heard all day :) I recall a scene from the simpsons where they are talking to an Italian sounding guy with poor english, and they say "So, you speak Italian?" and he responds "No, just, ehh, what you call it, uhh, broken english."

I am all for giving new members a chance and a warm welcome, but Elder Futhark...really?

That's an archaic and somewhat extravagant language to be fluent in...why choose Elder Futhark, why not Sumerian or Accadian, if you like ancient languages...:can:

Having a genius IQ does not portray true wisdom nor intelligence imo, I mean just look at Kanye...

As others have said, pics or it didn't happen.:D
Is BS a second language?

this thread makes me lol hard. I especially like the part about speaking elder futhark :) I bet this guy can't even speak a second language....

Oh by the way I went to Walmart and bought red laser pointer and with the help of the KipKay video I got it up to 1.75 Gigawatts. Pictures will be out soon with my Bigfoot, Nessy and Roswell photos also. LMAO
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Is BS a second language?

Oh by the way I went to Walmart and bought red laser pointer and with the help of the KipKay video I got it up to 1.75 giga watts. Pictures will be out soon with my bigfoot and Roswell photos also. LMAO

how many times did you turn the pot? what kind of battery life are you getting from your 1.75 gigawatt laser? when I tried that my aixiz just exploded... XD
I turned the pot 127,232,434,643,123,423,765,109,235,341,948,564,937,273,493,653,863,574 times clockwise.
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You do mean, vaporized? Right? ;)

I should be more clear.. it vaporized, I exploded, and then I turned into doctor manhattan.

And since I don't know how to do multiple quotes (newb), @Tymtravler, that sounds about right.
Since when did the Jayrob 405-G-1 start selling for $40.00?:wtf:

4 SF AW210 diodes ($115)
4 aixiz modules ($13)
1 folding magniying lens (unfolded looks like "[" )
4 drivers from modwerx(don't know if that matters on the kind of driver.) ($40)
1 Toggle switch ($2)
1 405-G-1 lens. ($40)
Misc. Plumbing parts for lightsaber hilt (~$15)

115+15=130+40=170+40=210+15= $225(sales tax and shipping not included because they vary) for me the grand total with them was $250. Which is not bad considering a 1W 405nm would be about $1000 and isn't handheld so I say for 1/3-1/4 the price not a bad build and it looks cooler too.
Here are the pics and yes i didn't get in because I was a few points under...the IQ varies 15 points throughout ones life so I can take it again.
The other diodes was for what i thought was needed for a 5-10 Watt 405nm laser but I can do it for less so long as the focusing system i has holds up at that output power. I know i dont know everything and a the way i learn is through debate and reading a ton of books. I got interested in lasers after reading Einsitens papers on the principles of laser which as you all know had not been invented yet. I am hoping to build a 5-10W 405nm laser rifle :gun: next so i gues you guys can start making jokes about that here soon.






That still doesn't prove how you combined the beams without lenses.
not to offend but, as you may know the only way to make a claim as extravagant as yours is to send the data to a reputable member then have them back your claim.

We all want this to be true it's just the science is NOT there... try again and this time enlist the help of some forum vets.

all I'm seeing is some pics of a 405nm on some bricks... post at least a u-tube of it flattening a bike tire or something. Thanks:)
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