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FrozenGate by Avery

Can "we" change the world?

Are you willing to make a change?

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    Votes: 16 100.0%

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Wow. That clarified nothing. Don't you think if this many people have no idea what your proposing , that just maybe, you aren't explaining it well ?? How is putting money into something you love lead to profit?? I would really love to know.

THE GOLDEN RULE!!!!! The suspense is killing me. Is it like the magic word???
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From what I've deciphered, it sounds like you just want to jump on this bandwagon of group prosperity because you have few means or prospects yourself.

Sorry, but I'm not open to this "stone soup" charity. I'd rather give to someone or some group with a proven reputation and demonstrated ability. You can barely communicate what you want.

I have a better idea: get a job and buy the tools and parts you need for your hobby.

After all, change and charity starts at home.
Jesus guys, you really aren't understanding anything here? Build large numbers of people for large numbers of profit. Money in which you put into something you love or even just donate to charity.

I'll bite.

I donate to charity occasionally: red cross, local food bank, poverty initiatives in the city. Now what? When/How do I get my profit?
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I market a product with antioxidants proven to slow the aging process. Enough of the product, it's good enough for me. What the product comes with is a business model. We don't advertise our products, we let our friends know about it and in return get paid. The reason I keep talking about scale is how a large scale in these terms will return a very large amount of profit, or weekly income as we like to say. Rather than getting a couple friends in, having them spend their own money and repeat the same process that I did to them, why not do the same thing but instead of spending this money needed, have it ready to be invested when the scale reaches a profitable tipping point? You don't gamble your money, you receive your invested money back and ahieve the desired income you want. Maybe this tells something or not but if you are interested, email me at my username @ gmail or pm me with the subject title "In" and 2 things: that you have a credit card (to buy the product) and your direct deposit info (to receive your money). After that? Just leave it. Go back to your normal life, try to get some more people to send the same info to the email/pm and time come, we make the investments and receive the income at the same time. First come first serve on the list. I hope you understand what I tried to explain to you. Thank you all for taking your time to read this. I'm tell you now I'm not a businessman. It's just business, man. <- lol
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I market a product with antioxidants proven to slow the aging process. Enough of the product, it's good enough for me. What the product comes with is a business model. We don't advertise our products, we let our friends know about it and in return get paid. The reason I keep talking about scale is how a large scale in these terms will return a very large amount of profit, or weekly income as we like to say. Rather than getting a couple friends in, having them spend their own money and repeat the same process that I did to them, why not do the same thing but instead of spending this money needed, have it ready to be invested when the scale reaches a profitable tipping point? You don't gamble your money, you receive your invested money back and ahieve the desired income you want. Maybe this tells something or not but if you are interested, email me at my username @ gmail or pm me with the subject title "In" and 2 things: that you have a credit card (to buy the product) and your direct deposit info (to receive your money). After that? Just leave it. Go back to your normal life, try to get some more people to send the same info to the email/pm and time come, we make the investments and receive the income at the same time. First come first serve on the list. I hope you understand what I tried to explain to you. Thank you all for taking your time to read this. I'm tell you now I'm not a businessman. It's just business, man. <- lol


I've seen so many of these schemes over the years, it's really mind boggling to me that they still work.

To anyone out there: NEVER SEND OUT PRIVATE INFORMATION LIKE YOUR NAME, BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER, ROUTING NUMBER, ETC,. Not to random people you do not know online.

To anyone who did study even just a bit of business... if you want to invest there are ways to do it, buy stocks, buy shares, but don't jump on ponzi schemes.

Mods... it's time to end this thread, and perhaps a certain member. Pretty sure it's a violation of TOS.
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Yeah, and my rich uncle just left me $10,000,000 after he died in a plane crash in South Sudan. Please send me all your banking info so I can give you a cut.... :rolleyes:
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Yours too Simon? What an incredible coincidence :D

I wouldn´t be suprised if the OP has success in another forum. Is the Wickedlasers forum still active? :crackup:

Honestly, such people, as the OP, are to blame for the sagging trust people have for each other these days :yabbem:
Wait wait wait, since when was I untrustworthy? I don't recall asking for your credit card number, I asked for you to say you HAD a credit card to prove that you would actually participate yourself. I don't recall asking for your direct deposit info either, I simply asked that you HAD your own info to receive this money. In no way am I asking for anything from anyone. And so does this mean that internet communication is obsolete? I don't want to rant but I believe that majority of people here have an instant loss of trust to new comers on this forum. One final thing, since when did I take your money? Lol, I simply said if you have money that you yourself were willing to invest. I'm gonna be honest here and say that it's you guys that have caused us to have a loss of trust. I wanted to improve the laser scene by having the money people need to acquire resources which can be pretty expensive to some. Just know this, you think you have everything to lose, and that's true not because of fraud or theft, but because you brought down the right idea. And yeah, whoever said it was time to end this is right. There's times where you fight for something and times where there is no point to continue trying.

Yeah, like count me in.
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