Reading through all of these posts took a while, made even longer by the addition of a bunch of unrelated pictures that took forever to load on my slow dialup internet.
I serioulsy doubt that the OP is trying to troll, unlike a majority of the responses. There were some that offered helpful advice, and that was good to see.
For those that do not know me, I have an extensive background in directed energy technologies that goes back nearly 4 decades. I was directly involved in the R&D of these technologies prior to the majority of them being declassifed. Some of these technologies are still classified and I cannot comment on them.
1. Does this sort of technology exist?
The answer is yes it does. There are several technologies that can cause these sorts of symptoms that are well beyond the more common explanations such as parasites of various types. This technology was successfully deployed during "Desert Storm". All of these penetrate walls with ease, however most will be deflected by metal foil (or a metallic back-coated glass mirror). Nearly all are RF based, only the wavelengths and target aquisition methods vary amongst those. Those that are not RF based are still classified.
2. Does the OP fit the profile of a target for these technologies?
Only the OP can really answer that. Usually, only high level targets earn that sort of interest. The agencies that currently operate and control these technologies would need a reason to bring them into use. Local law enforcement agencies typically do not have access to this technology in full military form. However, of late there has been a lot of testing going on with non-lethal former-militery grade technologies being developed for local law enforcement use at lower power levels. Not likely to be deployed for no good reason, and only the emitter could be handheld. The rest of the equipment is definitely not that portable.
Something like this could certainly be homebrewed for a relatively low cost if you really knew what you were doing. Enough information about these designs has leaked out that it is entirely possible, but not likely. I won't go into it more than that, as it's very dangerous technology in the hands of someone that does not know what they are doing.
As for sonic weaponry, not too likely. While sonic devices are fairly common and can also be highly portable, the symptoms just don't fit. I've built and used tactical sonic systems.
I hope the OP finds resolution to this problem.
ps: As for that Jesse Ventura show, I missed it. I've been asked to consult for those folks many times and I've refused. I do not want my name associated with it in any way. There have been documented legitimate TI (Terrorized Individual) cases, but they are rare. Most of those that claim to be TIs are not. They tend to not have a good grasp of the technologies in use and find "villians" with every tower or every passing vehicle with a ham radio or CB antenna.