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FrozenGate by Avery

Can Some Lasers Go Through Walls?

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Ponies are not only welcome, but recommended.


Not if a liqued nitrogern hauler is around and then you wind up in a Steel foundry.

T-800 will do fine.....bad breath, sweat hard to identify
Personally i'd rather have a terminatrix.....with onboard weapons.

I wonder if the terminatrix is anatomically correct....hehe

wouldn't be the worse way to die....lol
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Tallmonkey has sent a female T-1000 back to himself in the past, which is our present. Kissing women, Jesse Ventura, colorful ponies, and the "guv'ment" are assaulting him with technology I wish I had... it smells like weed in here, this dude may or may not be hiding under a bridge wearing a loincloth and wielding a club... jumping out at travellers, charging a small fee to pass.... who can really say.
Thanks Bob,

Your post has been the most helpful yet.

By RF, do you mean radio frequency?

I can't figure why I would be a target, unless local law is working with the building manager, experimenting with this technology. The building manager's motive would be to try to get rid of this unwanted, pot smoking tenant. The building manager has been in close contact with the police over my situation, so maybe the local law saw this as an opportunity to try out this new technology? That would make sense...

But I am not super paranoid and I don't think every vehicle that passes is scanning me, as you mentioned. And I have not seen this Jesse Ventura program that everyone is taking about.

Everything that I described HAS been happening to me. But I am still researching if I might have mites or something like that, just to be sure.

Oh, and by the way, I have now been staying with my parents because it was happening to me with such frequency. Luckily, my parents know that I am not one to make up such stories and they are fully backing me in this. It would really suck if I had to deal with this alone...

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Being 100% serious;

I can't figure why I would be a target, unless local law is working with the building manager, experimenting with this technology. The building manager's motive would be to try to get rid of this unwanted, pot smoking tenant. The building manager has been in close contact with the police over my situation, so maybe the local law saw this as an opportunity to try out this new technology? That would make sense...

No it wouldn't.

But I am not super paranoid

Considering what you just wrote above, yes, you are being super paranoid.

Did you check for bugs, fleas, mites? Did you try a different mattress? Did you try having another person sleep there to see if they experience the same things? Did you try foil?

You seem to speculate and research a lot, but you're not actually doing anything to narrow down the causes of the problem through any kind of a systematic approach....
No it wouldn't make sense? Why? And yes I have been trying different things such as have my mother sleep over. The tapping and shaking was going on and she felt it! I'm looking into the mites thing as we speak. I have an appointment to see a doctor about it coming up. Sounds like you are super skeptical. That's your right I guess. But I need real answers... so far your suggestions have not helped very much. :(
Check the corners of your mattress for bed bugs. Inevitably the cause of this is going to be something natural, like bugs, or chemicals, or something like that--not some beam technology, or aliens, or ghosts, or something supernatural.
:pop:it looks like bed bugs or mites nasty little creature sucks your blood i had bed bugs while back when i moved to a new place first night sat on bid for few minutes and i was attacked by the bed bugs i am allergic to them my legs and arm were bitten and got very nasty so left home and slept in car for that night and called the landlord the next morning so it was saturday no pest control i slept in my car till monday and then the pest control showed up sprayed the place.i would say dont smoke drugs that will drive you nuts i used to smoke allot but now i dont its been years havent smoked talk to your landlord or call the health and safety guys ohhh and you have to get rid of the bed, blanket,mattress they hide very well there are other ways without getting rid of anything but its up to you
No it wouldn't make sense? Why?

The equipment needed to produce what you describe is mostly theoretical. Is it feasible, sure. Is it something that a local police department would ever have? Heck not. They simply do not have the resources or the expertise.

Than there are the legal ramifications to consider... if you had any kind of solid proof you could sue the city, likely state, and your landlord for everything they own.

For the government to experiment with something like this, it would be far more feasible to let someone else do the dirty work on prisoners outside of the US. Or say at guantanamo like locations, where the general public really doesn't give a sh*t what happens.

From the perspective of your landlord it also doesn't really make sense. It just wouldn't be worth it for him fiscally to deal with you this way.

Also I don't mean for this to offend, but given the medications you take, that are mean to treat depression, anxiety, ocd, insomnia, to name a few conditions, and smoking (quitting?) weed on a regular basis, all together it does seem like paranoia.

And yes I have been trying different things such as have my mother sleep over. The tapping and shaking was going on and she felt it! I'm looking into the mites thing as we speak. I have an appointment to see a doctor about it coming up. Sounds like you are super skeptical. That's your right I guess. But I need real answers... so far your suggestions have not helped very much. :(

If you live in a building that uses steam for heating... some shaking/tapping is completely normal. Noise and vibration can travel quite a bit in older buildings.

Definitely do talk to a doctor. So far it seems like these problems are primarily unique to your experience, since your mother has not experienced the burning/itching/pain.

Why you are experiencing these things... IDK, but odds are far more likely that this is either a psychosomatic or physical reaction that you are experiencing, and that has little to do with your physical surroundings, and nothing to do with lasers, masers, cosmic rays, microwaves, or anything else unusual.
Terminatrix is not a T1000!!!

T1000 did not have the capability to make complex weapons....only stabbing tools.

Tailmonkey.....i know you want it to be something mysterious.......but its likely not.

From what i gathered if you were a TI.......you would have done something public to embarrass a govermant officail or being uber political.

Did you watch the Show Online. See if it speaks to you.( no pun)..

Phased plasma Rifle in the 40 watt range.
Seriously I don't know how many times I have had to say this... see a doctor and a psychiatrist. If neither can find the issue then talk to your landlord about the possibility of it being utility based as Infinitus said and of that brings up nothing then call pest control.

I guarantee with no doubt that what you are experiencing is nothing out of the usual and no super technology is involved in any way. You really need to look at this with a logical mind set and realize that you and your landlord are far too insignificant(no offense to you of course but its true) for anything mysterious or top secret to be involved. If you don't take the simple steps we have all listed for you to narrow down the possibilities you will never solve the problem and it will just drive you crazy.

Have you ever entertained the possibility that what you are experiencing could be medical related? It could actually be something life threatening like brain cancer and that you really, REALLY should get looked at and explain ALL of your symptoms to a doctor (or two). Not to try to scare you but it is the truth bro.
Hello ! I am new here so i will not elaborate about my situation, but i can guarantee he is right ! Its all true ! Maybe you guys are making jokes cause the true is quite scary, if someone wouldn't know about technology definitely it would harm him (or her) in a physiological way ! There's other stuff, gadget and tricks they deploy also, so be very cautious. I think this new tech procedure has not been around long enough to be heard of, its going around NOW, maybe some webs site having info about this gimmick of persecution get erased ?
I am in Canada town of Rosemere !
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