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  • hey sorry the backup cut or convo off before, its awesome tho we have so much in common! look forward to talking in the chat so0n

    I'm back, after more than a decade away from hobby lasers. My wife passed on 12/24/2009 so I took a break from life for a while. Then the pentagon brought me back, so I worked in DC for a while. I designed a 2 KW antitank laser (LAW), and still have the prototype. My shop was broken into and all of my tooling and materials were stolen, over $82K in tools and materials...
    Bob --

    Is there a forum devoted to this "science" ? I started to build a project years ago but lost interest.

    I'm back, after more than a decade away from hobby lasers. My wife passed on 12/24/2009 so I took a break from life for a while. Then the pentagon brought me back, so I worked in DC for a while. I designed a 2 KW antitank laser (LAW), and still have the prototype. My shop was broken into and all of my tooling and materials were stolen, over $82K in tools and materials...
    Thanks for all the info on the HomeDepot Husky hosts- my local(Tx usa) H.D. had them even cheaper @4.88 USD for two-pack in red&black only. also found two other copper nibco parts that fit perfectly inside the one that fits almost as perfectly inside the host. More copper- better heatsink -right? If anyone is planning a GB on lavadrives for these-let me know- I want to get at least 4 or 5.
    I'm back, after more than a decade away from hobby lasers. My wife passed on 12/24/2009 so I took a break from life for a while. Then the pentagon brought me back, so I worked in DC for a while. I designed a 2 KW antitank laser (LAW), and still have the prototype. My shop was broken into and all of my tooling and materials were stolen, over $82K in tools and materials...
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