I agree. Who would ask for this? Laser that breaks glass. That's like a blade to cut water. It just passes through it, unless you want to get into some ridiculous science experiment to get it to work.
A visual explanation about how glass interacts with the IR.
We can see right through it, however, IR energy is absorbed and reflected back, rather than passing through and bouncing off the objects beyond it.
CO2 lasers are used for this purpose.
Also, as said before, if he wants to do a breaking and entering, lasers would not be the way to go.
Carrying it would be too much first of all, plus getting away with a giant laser, another hard thing.
If he did it with a rock. Broken window. Brick. Broken window. Laser. Broken window, with melted patters. Thus, they would narrow it down to laser, and during a search warrant, if they found a big CO2 laser, busted.
It's not only unreasonable, but impracticable to use a CO2 as a breaking and entering device.
Simply playing the Devil's advocate, but I doubt that is the method here.
In just about every video I've seen of hobbyists with CO2's the burn glass and plastics to show it's properties with transparent objects. Like lighting a match with your first high powered laser, it's just done.
If his intentions are to do illicit crimes, then a) he will easily get caught, b) it will be hard to carry a portable CO2 around quickly, and make the escape without being noticed.
This is a fail to begin with if the actions are illicit.