i pm jake gt
Originally Posted by try2die
cant spell, that's all Ive been using spelling program forgot to on last post, i didn't neg rep you !!! you would have seen it as you know you never got neg rep i can prove it....every one got +rep hoping you guys would kick back a little. I like lasers and micro divices,so whats wrong with that,if you were to meet me, i know you would say im alrigth, im not going to hassel with any one over a key board.....take it easy....dave
Originally Posted by jakeGT
I'm just saying bro, Trying to read your posts, and this PM you just sent me. Is VERY HARD TO DO.
A simple period every once in a while doesn't hurt. And using complete sentences not just....this.... is .....cool.....
Also, Use paragraphs, or something of the sort. I'm just saying, reading your posts makes my head hurt
Originally Posted by try2die
Alright no problem. I am learning . , " all those a little bit every day. I under stand when some thing is bugging to see, it makes my head mad to. Sorry for being a dick in some of my post. I will see you around the forum bro, later.
Ps: was this pm better?
Originally Posted by jakeGT
It was wonderful. I don't try to nit pick or bitch, I was just saying, everyone that tried to read Yoyr previous posts probably had a hard time reading them because it is all just mashed together I'n a big clusterfuck
Sentences, punctuation, and spacing goes along way! I'll see you around the forums brotha