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FrozenGate by Avery


Rock climbing, Snowboarding, Motorcycles, Camping, Quads, Fabrication, Pyrotechnics, Jeeping/Mudding
Oley, Pennsylvania
Welder, Machinist, Electrician, Engineer, Fabricator, etc. (Whatever the current job requires)


Would you like to purchase some M-140 445nm diodes (individual or pressed into Aixiz or pure copper module) at very reasonable prices? PM me if you are interested!

My laser list has become way too big; I'm listing some of my favorites out of my extensive collection.
615mw 405nm/12X Spiderfire X-03
148mw 405nm/GGW in my "Hotlight-Saber" host
1920mw 445nm River Rock custom
1530mw 445nm Yobresal
1360mw 445nm Qumefox Sipik
800mw 445nm WL Arctic Spyder S3
240mw 473nm CNI Labby
8mw 473nm CNI Labby
528mw 532nm Lazerer Cannon
310mw 532nm Firedragon III
300mw 532nm CNI Labby
180mw 532nm SKY Laser
4x 147-267mw 532nm Waterproof
900mw 635nm in Temporary Finned Labby Sink
Several 635nm diodes awaiting a build
500mw 650nm Dual LPC-826 Labby
251mw 650nm/LPC-815 Ultrafire U-501B
Several 685nm diodes awaiting a build
3W 808nm diode awaiting build

Kenometer w/ Coherent Thermopile 10W
LaserBee 2.5W USB LPM
Radiant Alpha 2W LPMSOLD=Now in Kuwait!
1.2W RGB Projector; JNM Wide Sky Galvos (Made in Germany); Laser Show Express; Arduino-based DAC


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