I'm not strange, I'm limited edition!
*Jayrob Star Trek Phaser*
# of Lasers -
# of DTR/510 laser adapters
# of eGo/510 mods
# of Batteries -
Wavelengths - 405, 445, 447, 450, 455, 462, 464, 470, 473, 473+, 503, 510, <515, 515, 520, 532, 589, 635, 638, 650, 660, 685, 808, 830, 980
Projector - PD2
O-Like mini red/green to yellow module
Beam Expanders - Dragon Lasers 2x & 5x with universal adapters
LPM's - Modified AW TEC, Custom 6.8W+ Ophir
Datalogger - ARG
Chargers - Ultrafire WF139, (2) Xtar WP2, Nitecore i2, UM20, (3) i4, (2) D4 , Opus BTC-3400 V2.2
Phlatlights - Jayrob PT-54
green 1000lm maglight, PT-54
red project box build, (3) PT-54
red, (2) PT-54 orange (3) PT-121
red, (2) PT-121
blue, (1) PT-121
green project work in progress 5000lm (1) PT-121
**"Pen Laser Thread"**
:yh:"Post your pics of unique builds no-one else has"
"Make your way overspec $5 pen focusable"
"Share your inexpensive builds thread"
"Pman special"