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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • what would a person need to collimate and fine focus a 808 c mount diode 2 watt for the purpose of burning? Thankyou
    Larry can You PM me You PayPal info I want to order one of Your chargers. Unless You want to meet up somewhere around town I'm over in Highland Village.
    Join our new group--Lone Star Laser Fans==pass it on if you know any other Texans --thanks ==hakzaw in Brazoria
    Hi Larry,
    What you got planned for the green focusable?
    I too have this lens assembly: Rayfoss but its the 200mw red laser which I personally find boring
    hey larry for some reason one of the social group discussions you had was causing issues with the server. had to delete, sorry for inconvenience
    Hi Larry, just a note to let ya know that the last $20.00 is in your Pay Pal Acct. Thanks for your trust in me, I just wish I could afford another one for my RED lasers. You wouldn't happen to have a freebie for RED lasers layin' around that didn't come out quite right but still works OK. You know, like a QC reject from cosmetic defect ?? Let me know if you can fix me up with anything for RED lasers OK, PLEASE??? Thanks. your pal rob
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