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  • hey
    you should have gotten emails (if you subbed right) on new posts at ROG with all emails between Linna and me on the 'gone bad' Group Buy.
    Indeed! Sounds like it has all the things that I would normally order from the internet and have to wait days for it to be delivered, it really would be quite convenient if they had a store here. The closest store that comes to Harbor Freight would be Home Depot, but they don't have quite the selection that Harbor Freight does. I'll definitely take a visit there next time I'm in the USA!
    Ah GSS glad to hear from you! I'm actually trying to get into machining and manufacturing so not sure if I'll be able to find time for it, the aspects of machining and manufacturing is quite the learning curve!
    Hahaha I saw that and I just replied! thanks pal I appreciate it! It sure did! It bit me hard and won't let go!!
    No problem man, I can imagine smoking is highly addictive obviously, but vaping is basically a step in the right direction to quitting. It's got a lot less negative effects, but still satisfies the smoking craving. Glad you joined the group! :)
    Nope you don't need to have any involvement in vaping at all to join, I don't even vape or smoke but this group is mostly focusing on creating cool laser hosts out of vape battery bays :D Again I don't smoke but I would strongly recommend you switching to vape rather than smoking, it's still not the best for your health but its a lot easier on the lungs.
    What a total bummer that really really stinks. I just logged on and havn't seen if you posted for help on it. The Joker is in shambles oh yeah thats for sure. I have to asked if you watched the duty cycle, and make sure your batteries are good even though you charged them. Did you check the volts with a meter?
    It looks like my laser is totally worthless now. It's very dim. I can't see the beam unless I'm in a completely dark room with no lights on. I have no idea why it's like this now. I recharged the batteries thinking they must be low, but that didn't help. Now I won't be able to get help from Eitan because everyone is attacking him to the point where he can't even do business anymore. Did you see the threads about that? It's gotten really ugly! Oh well, this hobby lasted all of 10 days for me. That's how long I had a working laser for. I've never seen $100 end up as nothing so quickly.
    That good to hear at least you didn't get a shot to the face thank God. Get yourself a cheap ebay just as much fun. No the spring that your not seeing isn't for the heatsink it is for to put a little preasure to the lens barrel to help it not wiggle on top of the outside one. The heatsink just uses the host top as not to wiggle and I thought you fixed that issue with a little shimming. All it takes can be that it was like .010 of an inch off when it was machined but in don't return it as its no big deal as you seemed to solve it plus do you really want to wait another 3 months to get it back lol. Enjoy it and have some fun burning its great when you try different materials.
    Does the spring serve any real purpose other than to keep the heatsink from wiggling around? That's the one thing I noticed. Truth be told, I'm not even sure if the wiggling started after taking out the lens barrel, or if it started before that.

    You may be glad to hear that I won't be doing any more beam bouncing off of mirrors anymore. I tried something last night using 2 large mirrors. I tried aligning them perfectly to where they would reflect each other's image to infinity. I wanted to see what happened if I tried aiming the laser at them that way and get the beam to bounce back and forth infinitely. When I turned the laser on, I felt a burning on the back of my hand! Now I know what balloons and matches have to go through! :) No more of that for me!
    Well, I took at look at it but didn't see any spring. But since the laser is still working, I'll assume it's not a vital part.
    That might be the reason I didn't see it in there before. I'll look with a magnifying glass if I have to. I've been told not to keep that area open for too long because even a speck of dust can be a bad thing if it gets in there, so I'll make it quick.
    Yep! All is well with the laser! Although I was intending to take the focusing ring and lens out to see if there is a spring in there, but I forgot. I hope I can remember tonight. Hearing from everyone that there is supposed to be a spring has me curious about it.
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