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FrozenGate by Avery

Glasses really needed?

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He may be immature himself. But I don't have a problem with his username. Think about it, we all know Dick can be a first name and Butt a last name. So I think it's very possible someone's name is actually Dick Butt.

lol whut censor

u wot m8?
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Across the vast and majestic gulf of time and space, The jimmies rustle softly..

So you're basically just here to ask for spoonfeeds and quote things you've seen on reddit.


such valuable member.

much contribution.

so mature forum name.
He may be immature himself. But I don't have a problem with his username. Think about it, we all know Dick can be a first name and Butt a last name. So I think it's very possible someone's name is actually Dick Butt.

u wot m8?

Yes in theory this is quite possible. I once worked with a guy named "Jack Doft" and somebody told me he once knew a guy named "Harry Balls", so there are a few names like that out there, but I think any parents that give their children such names probably shouldn't be allowed to have children.

An Admin can easily change it and I was told there was nothing wrong with a dick butt. No need to be mean and assume I am immature because of my username..

So let me get this straight.

* You join LPF with that username.
* You you ask questions that have been answered hundreds of times and could easily be found by using the search button.
* People call you immature because of your username but you claim a username doesn't make you immature.

Really?! How do you expect us to take you seriously regardless of maturity? Just take a few minutes to think about all that.
Glasses are never NEEDED. My left eye is a every day reminder that we all have an option to wear them or not.

As for funny names. I went to high school with a " Richard Vein" LMAO Ahh it still gets me.

When the op gets to high school, I'm sure he'll have someone with a funny name in his class.
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^Speaking of high school...:)

I was in my Science class yesterday, everyone was doing their own thing and I was browsing the forums, looking at my profile etc.. Anyway, my teacher came up and saw I was looking at "LPF", and the first comment she says is:

"Why are you looking at lasers? I hope you don't shine them at planes. Their have been a lot of stories lately about people lasing planes".

This made me realize how most people view lasers, just things used to aim at planes and try and blind others. In my opinion, having one less immature person with a "burning laser" will make this hobby much safer.
^ Pointing lasers at planes and blinding people/animals. That's actually one of the first things people say to me. "I hope you know you can't shine those at planes or animals" blah blah.

It kind of rubs me the wrong way sometimes but at least they realize that there are dangers to owning a laser.
It's rather annoying.

The most common reactions are;

Did you / Do you / Can you / Don't shine at airplanes.

The other one that's gotten old is, "What's it for? What do you do with it?" though at least it's more reasonable, right up to the point when they ask you how much, and you tell them.
the fact this is a thread is one reason i claim in taking my time returning to this forum. people like this make me sad of the future.
It's rather annoying.

The most common reactions are;

Did you / Do you / Can you / Don't shine at airplanes.

The other one that's gotten old is, "What's it for? What do you do with it?" though at least it's more reasonable, right up to the point when they ask you how much, and you tell them.

that's the primary reason why hardly anyone knows I use lasers. Not any of my colleagues, hardly any of my friends/acquaintances, and my family just about knows. I won't make the same mistake after I divulged that I was into urbex (google it: urban exploration) to certain people who to this day still rip through me about "breaking and entering old buildings"... as if that's where urbex begins and ends. Narrow mindedness is cronic and everywhere but makes it no less irritating.

As I don't have much in the way of "normal hobbies" I now find it easier just to divulge nothing about my personal life, but of course people think you're weird for that as well...
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