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FrozenGate by Avery

Glasses really needed?

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Feb 22, 2014
I want to get a laser that can burn stuff, But I was wondering if I can go the possible lowest on the mW end that I don't have to wear glasses. Also does blue/green make a difference with that

How did your name get approved?

Anything that burns you will need glasses. Simple and to the point. Eye safe is 5mW
An Admin can easily change it and I was told there was nothing wrong with a dick butt. No need to be mean and assume I am immature because of my username..
I was told there was nothing wrong with a dick butt. No need to be mean and assume I am immature because of my username..


... I am going to assume right now that you're immature,

whether you like it or not, that's how it comes across.

What inspired you to have the idiocy to choose such a username?
Correct me if I am wrong but using those two words together is the favor activity of an 8 year old. Please enlighten me on how your username is not immature, I would love to learn something today so please tell me Mr. D*ck, or is it Mr. B*tt?
What's in a name? Put your votes in now folks. I am surprised that the name is still here?? Even more surprised that he still thinks, even after being told, that it is still OK. Maybe this thread will become a sticky to show the immature what is NOT acceptable!
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How mature would it be for me to call someone a d*ck or b*tt? Not very so no need to add to someone else immaturity
He's mostly likely an 8 year-old with too much time on his hands.

If we just stop replying to him, and report his posts, he should get banned pretty soon.
Across the vast and majestic gulf of time and space, The jimmies rustle softly..
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